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Upskirting - to become a crime punishable by 2 years imprisonment.

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Nah, he gets off on it. He spends most Friday afternoons derailing private members bills alongside his chum Philip Davies.


It wasn't just the upskirting bill he scuppered today. He also opposed plans to afford extra protection to police dogs and horses and talked out an attempt to reform mental health units.


It's antiquated rules like this that make a laughing stock of our parliament.


He's a right charmer is Davies, he talked out a bill to allow carers to park for free at hospitals and another to make it compulsory for rented houses to be fit for human habitation.

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+1, I agree. One idiot has put a spanner into the works. Maybe he should be deselected asap, he is obviously not fit for purpose.




There are over 600 MP's so how can one or two stop a bill from becoming law by simply shouting object during a debate ?

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There are over 600 MP's so how can one or two stop a bill from becoming law by simply shouting object during a debate ?


Because this proposed law/legislation was a private members bill supported by the government but never debated in Parliament. If it had been debated then it probably would have passed. Any law that can commit someone to 2 years in prison should be debated in Parliament and then voted on, and that is what this MP is objecting to. He and other MP's do this on purpose and make a habit of it to promote proper scrutiny of these types of bill.

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It WAS being debated and he objected to it. There's clearly something wrong with the man.


But it WASN'T fully debated as it was a private members bill that any MP can introduce and that's the problem. Parliamentary rules in that situation allow for this to happen so its a known part of their procedure.


To quote the BBC:


"Sir Christopher is a leading member of a group of backbench Conservatives who make a practice of ensuring that what they see as well-meaning but flabby legislation is not lazily plopped on to the statue book by a few MPs on a poorly attended Friday sitting."


We either let Parliament do its job, Have a proper debate then vote and pass laws or we ignore it and let the Government of the day decide through amendments and private members bills. Lets not forget that Gina Miller thought the former, went to court and the courts agreed with her, I think you did too..;)

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It’s relatively easy making new laws.

The tricky bit is policing,proving and prosecuting them.


I think most posters have observed it is not as easy as you claim and one person who knows the rules can scupper new legislation that most sane people think would be a positive step - including his party leader.


Proving this sort of thing isn't that difficult if you think about it - man with camera/recording device - takes image up skirt of female - or do you think magistrates and juries would believe it was all a bit of a laugh?

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