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Legalise cannabis oil?

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What's the deal with using it for pain relief? They can extract specific components that relieve pain but don't affect your state of mind?


Apparently, or though I'm not sure they actually extract and purify specific compounds out of it.


The lad in the news was treated with cannabis oil, I assume they just mulch the stuff up, extract and clean the oil and use that??

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Personally I'm in favour of politicians changing their view when new evidence is presented.

In this case there is no new evidence, it's been clear for years that the evidence lead policy for cannabis would be full legalisation.




Sacked in Oct 2009 for telling the government (in his official role as chief drug adviser) that some drugs should be legalised and that they were less harmful than tobacco and alcohol.


That's sacked by a Labour government to be clear.


And a commonly accepted scale of harm of a variety of drugs (accepted by anyone who doesn't take a purely moralistic and illogical position)



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Personally I'm in favour of politicians changing their view when new evidence is presented.


When such a thing does happen the first thing out of their mouths is an explanation of why they have changed their view.


Since that has not occurred in this case then it's far more likely they are just jumping on the bandwagon instead.

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When such a thing does happen the first thing out of their mouths is an explanation of why they have changed their view.


Since that has not occurred in this case then it's far more likely they are just jumping on the bandwagon instead.


She said “A number of recent heart breaking cases have highlighted a failure of Government policy.”


“Children have been put at risk and experienced extraordinary suffering because this Government drags its heels and refuses to grant cannabis oil licences.


“This must not continue. Labour in government will allow the legal prescription of cannabis oil for medical purposes.


“We will also review drugs policy to address all issues of public health. The Government should stop being so heavy-handed and bureaucratic and put the welfare of children first.”

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When such a thing does happen the first thing out of their mouths is an explanation of why they have changed their view.


Since that has not occurred in this case then it's far more likely they are just jumping on the bandwagon instead.


I agree, this is simply going with what they perceive to be more popular. That's also okay sometimes, but they need to be careful to not just flipflop or change opinion to whoever is shouting the loudest.


---------- Post added 20-06-2018 at 11:51 ----------


“We will also review drugs policy to address all issues of public health. The Government should stop being so heavy-handed and bureaucratic and put the welfare of children first.”


Labour were in power when they asked for a comprehensive review of drugs policy by a panel of experts. They then did totally the opposite to what was recommended on the basis of, well, some illogical moral position on 'illegal' drugs, as if that wasn't a circular argument.

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Interesting reveal:


A mother campaigning for medical marijuana to be available on the NHS is the director of a company which sells bottles of cannabis oil for more than £500.



From that link:


"A spokesman for Mrs Caldwell said profits from sales of the cannabis products, which include oils, capsules, powder, gummies, shots and honey sticks, were used to fund Billy’s 24-7 healthcare needs."


I would imagine her business interest is a result of her son's illness, rather than her being involved before her son was born


---------- Post added 20-06-2018 at 12:53 ----------


There is no consistency in what is meant by 'legalizing cannabis'.

There is even less consistency in how the legal drug would be managed as even the pro-legalization views are divided by how it would be controlled.

The last attempt at a change in legislation caused confusion and was repealed, as has also happened in other counties.


There appears to be an assumption that a change in legislation would solve everything, partly based very selective evidence from abroad.

Cannabis use in the UK is significantly different to other countries.


The image of a relaxing spliff after work is far from the reality for far too many.

The impact of increased availability has also not been explored fully.

Until a draft Bill is before Parliament which takes into account the costs and health implications to society based on proper data and research, I will not support any changes to the current law.


I would say watch this space

*points at Canada*

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What's the deal with using it for pain relief? They can extract specific components that relieve pain but don't affect your state of mind?


I'm not an expert but the two main cannabinoids seem to be THC and CBD. THC is the main pyschoactive cannabinoid, the one that gets you high. Both THC and CBD are considered to be able to relieve pain. So in the UK cannabis oil products contain virtually no THC and varying strengths of CBD.

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She said “A number of recent heart breaking cases have highlighted a failure of Government policy.”


“Children have been put at risk and experienced extraordinary suffering because this Government drags its heels and refuses to grant cannabis oil licences.


“This must not continue. Labour in government will allow the legal prescription of cannabis oil for medical purposes.


“We will also review drugs policy to address all issues of public health. The Government should stop being so heavy-handed and bureaucratic and put the welfare of children first.”


Although she was staunchly against it when Labour were in power???

I don't see any real difference between the Tory and Labour view on drugs personally, not at times when they were in a position to actually effect change.


They can say what the like when they are just opposition, everyone knows full well it's all bluster and nonsense anyway - politicians love to promise things they've no intention of ever delivering.

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I would say watch this space

*points at Canada*


I will.

Canada is replacing some of the regulations concerning cannabis for another set of regulations and for some reasons that are not applicable to the UK/Europe.


I have also watched what happened in the more comparable countries of Switzerland and the Netherlands and I am still waiting to see a proposed model that is agreed on by the all parties who propose change.

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