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Spearmint Rhino has licence renewed

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I think that's incredibly sad.


I'm sure he gives two shiny ones what you think.


Anyway, it's 3rd wave feminism pushing the notion that the traditional family set-up is dead and that women should embrace their sexual freedom.


Poor women just can't win... damned if they do, damned if they don't.

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Guest makapaka
I think he might be on the wind up.......


If not, he's possibly the most tragic person I've encountered in a long time. And that he doesn't see it as tragic is even more tragic!


It wouldn’t be my idea of a good way to spend £10k but who are we to judge?

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Do you genuinely not find the idea of one man spending ten thousand quid in strip clubs on a weekend in London just a little bit sad?


Some people will spend a fortune on their hobbies, some people leave their estates to their cats, if it's legal and hurting nothing it's not a problem that's just how it is, regardless of other peoples opinion.

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Do you genuinely not find the idea of one man spending ten thousand quid in strip clubs on a weekend in London just a little bit sad?


personally if its true then yes it is sad but hey who cares?? if he can really afford that then who are you or i to say different ??? live and let live. as for the girls they will be rubbing their hands in anticipation of this punter and will treat him very well i suspect:hihi: good luck to him and the girls.

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Being treated as fully human and not just objects for men to leer at, ogle and masturbate over would be a start.


Oh right, so presumably you have exactly the same condescending attitude towards those women who choose to become fashion models, poster girls, display promoters, erotic models and porn actors.


You do know there is a whole industry a men doing the same thing too. Is that acceptable in your world?


What exactly do you have a problem with? Why cant you just accept that some women who have the confidence, looks and worked hard to get a suitable body figure and size are choosing to use it to make themselves legitimate and legal money and for those fortunate few even make a very good career out of it.


This is not a new story. The world of burlesuqe, striptease, naughty pictures and glamour photography has been around for centruries.


The company under discussion is not some seedy back alley mob ruled fleapit. Its a branch of a global entertainment company whose uk divison alone made 6.3 million in sales at the last accounts.


If YOU dont like it as an "entertainment" then YOU dont have to participate but lets not all turn into Victorian era prudes. Sex sells. We all do it.


"full humans" as you aptly describe, all have a default setting to be attracted visually and often physically to another type of full human. This form of entertainment (as so many others - including television) is stimulating that feeling. We like it and buy into it.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Guest makapaka
Do you genuinely not find the idea of one man spending ten thousand quid in strip clubs on a weekend in London just a little bit sad?


It’s norhing to do with me how he wishes to spend his money. Neither yours.


You seem very prudish - not everyone is the same.

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