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Supertram staff to strike..

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I’m guessing as they’re not planning on running any tram services they’re expecting a lot of their staff to strike!


Well they’re might not be a strike as the new offers out to ballot.


Fundamentally strikes will equal loss in takings which’ll lead to less in the pot...strikes rarely achieve anything

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I’ve just spoken to a mate who works at Supertram who says that this new & improved offer actually means less take home pay at the end of the month than the previous offer - so how can they call it new and improved is beyond me. Think this might run and run. I’ll be working from home a couple of days next week, but not everybody has that luxury!


This is exactly what I meant - it is pure madness and one would think that management would simply show what they would earn under the new and old schemes for the standard week no overtime and then in increments of overtime hours.

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This is exactly what I meant - it is pure madness and one would think that management would simply show what they would earn under the new and old schemes for the standard week no overtime and then in increments of overtime hours.


One would think , if this is (and I don’t believe it is for one second) a union rep would see straight through this straight away and would refuse to even put it to members.


Interesting yesterday to read that Unite were bragging yesterday of a £46 million strike fund which they are itching to use ....

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One would think , if this is (and I don’t believe it is for one second) a union rep would see straight through this straight away and would refuse to even put it to members.


Interesting yesterday to read that Unite were bragging yesterday of a £46 million strike fund which they are itching to use ....



Of course ironically by calling a strike for better pay is how they are demonstrating to their members the value of the union!:huh:


However both sides are at fault and should clearly show the staff/members exactly what the offer is / what they want and allow the staff to make informed decisions as to whether they want to accept or strike.


I have often wondered if anyone calculates how long it will take the staff to make up the lost pay from strike days

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What speaks volumes to me in all this, is the fact how recruitment used to be very few and far between on the trams, now it seems as if they can't either retain the existing staff or recruit the extra staff - so much so that an recruitment day is required and they have openly stated that this is the 1st time that one has been required.


So somehow, I would assume the problems are more deep rooted than pay. From what has been stated it sounds like a good deal, but obviously we don't know all the details of the terms and conditions that Supertram would impose, should their employees accept this deal.


Fingers crossed strike action can be averted on Monday!

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