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Supertram staff to strike..

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Strike dates have to be notified a certain period in advance for them to be legal. They would have had no idea when organising the dates if they would have still been in the tournament or not. In any case it's more disruption to have it on a weekday to annoy the commuters.


true but they knew that the world cup was on and games were scheduled even if most of us would never seriously imagined England would have still been involved.


However you were being too literal I was simply making the point that they of course will chose the time of maximum disruption

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true but they knew that the world cup was on and games were scheduled even if most of us would never seriously imagined England would have still been involved.


However you were being too literal I was simply making the point that they of course will chose the time of maximum disruption


Which would be a weekday, not a weekend with no football or other big local events on.

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In the long run this will cost the users of the tram more, it's only a matter of time before there prices go up if they give them a pay rise- one which I don't support as at the end of the day they really shouldn't need conductors anyway. Do you see conductors on the tube? I suppose it's mainly needed because Sheffield is full of scummers who won't pay, but it's still ridiculous.


If these people don't like working for what they're on they have the option of working elsewhere for more, if they can. As they are striking for pennies I'd suggest they've already found their level. This kind of behaviour belongs in the past.


Since the trams first started Regional Railways and its successors (currently Northern Rail) have hoovered up the brightest and best (sort of!) from the tram staff.

Railway Guards earn about twice what ST pay so those that are left behind are quite literally the "less good" staff.

I would suggest they are lucky to be on anything above the NMW to be honest.

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Presumably this is being run by scabs? It amazes me how they can pay all these extra drivers and buses from Manchester, and not paid the pay rise for their own workers. Like Busdriver1 said previously, Stagecoach are stubborn. :hihi:


Ah well, at least the bus operators can reap some of the rewards and cash in from these actions and traffic should be more free flowing through many places thanks to the trams not running!

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Presumably this is being run by scabs? It amazes me how they can pay all these extra drivers and buses from Manchester, and not paid the pay rise for their own workers. Like Busdriver1 said previously, Stagecoach are stubborn. :hihi:


Ah well, at least the bus operators can reap some of the rewards and cash in from these actions and traffic should be more free flowing through many places thanks to the trams not running!


Could be people not in union, training dept or managers running these trams.

Souter and the people he has working for him are well known for wasting excessive amounts of money to try to cover strikes or break strikes as hes not a fan of unions.

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