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Supertram staff to strike..

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Of the trams that were running yesterday, were there any conductors working onboard? Looked to be free rides for all!


Most of the replacement buses also seemed to be carting fresh air around, looked a complete waste of money and with the money they have spent drafting in these buses and drivers from Manchester and elsewhere around the UK, they could have actually paid their staff the increase they were asking for and avoided this situation fully.


I suspect the same shambles of a service will take place again on Thursday? Hopefully this time some of the bus drivers will know where they are going, and not make up there own routes (one we was on to Meadowhall ended up running down the Parkway after he got lost!).

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Flat fare of £1.50.


Flat rate £1.50?!? This changes everything.


I think unite should push for a proper strike, are the tram conductors ready for a year on the pickets? Maybe even 10 years if they could make it a nice round pound :)


Why does it take a strike in this country to make public transport cost as much as it actually should?

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Do we know if the actual workers were manning the picket line? As just seen the Star photo and at least one of them is one of the SWP rent a protester you often see gathering signatures in the City Centre.




Well, yes. You can't expect the workers to actually work you know! Fight the system by sponging off it!

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Well, yes. You can't expect the workers to actually work you know! Fight the system by sponging off it!


Thats true but I often see that guy protesting. He was outside the job centre with the labour lot protesting about the closure of the Manor Job Centre (even though all the folk working there had been moved to the job centre in town).

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Details of replacement services for the upcoming strike are now available.




Bus/Tram services as before only run between 0700 - 1900, and this time on Saturday/Sunday the only trams running will be on the Blue Route between the Station and Malin Bridge (at an advertised 20 minute frequency) so I suspect they're putting as much capacity as they can rustle up into serving Hillsborough for Tramlines.

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