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Okay, which ones of you are sociopaths?

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Given that 4% of the population are sociopaths, and 1% psychopaths; it follows there must be quite a few sociopaths and psychopaths using this forum...


I bet most sociopaths don't even realise they are, so, it could be you! Not sure how many users there are on SF, but for every 10,000 users, that's 400 sociopaths and 100 psychopaths lurking amongst us.


Also, I'm wondering if there is a link betweeen sociopathy and autism? Don't both conditions share a lack of empathy for other people?

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I don't know and I don't care!


Wait.. damn...


Do you work in banking, sales etc?


I think I read these kind of industries are overrepresented by sociopaths (10% rather than 4%); which makes sense, if you have no compunction when it comes to screwing people over.

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...Also, I'm wondering if there is a link betweeen sociopathy and autism? Don't both conditions share a lack of empathy for other people?

You should read Zero Degrees of Empathy by Sacha Baron-Cohen. He proposes that those lacking empathy can be divided into zero-negative and zero-positive groups:


The zero-negative group includes borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy) and narcissism. The zero-positive group are those with Asperger's syndrome, where the lack of empathy is cognitive not affective. This means that while they have difficulty understanding others' motivations and feelings, for example, they do not lack the emotional, caring empathy that leads those with antisocial personality disorder to hurt others.


Top ten career choices for psychopaths, according to the press for a new book:


1. CEO

2. Lawyer

3. TV or radio media

4. Sales

5. Surgeon

6. Journalist

7. Police

8. Clergy

9. Chef

10. Civil servant

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Do you work in banking, sales etc?


I think I read these kind of industries are overrepresented by sociopaths (10% rather than 4%); which makes sense, if you have no compunction when it comes to screwing people over.


I've noticed that most who work and supervise behind the counters in banks/building societies/estate agents seem to be ladies, plus there are quite a few scaling the hights:



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I once watched a programme about identifying psychopaths. They asked a series of questions & your score revealed whether you had psychopathic tendencies.


If you scored over 80 you could be considered to be a borderline psychopath. I scored 89.


At least I'm good at something. Anyone want to come round & Look at my knife collection I keep in the cellar?

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I suffer with mild aspergers and I work in sales but I am the worst salesman ever.I dont like ripping people off and as such I earn a lot less commission than others do.I hate the fact that some of my colleagues brag when they have ripped somebody off.

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Isn't the 4% sociopath estimate for the male population?


For females, the estimate is less than 1%.


Not sure. I think it's for the US population; and I don't remember it specifying male only.


I would imagine you get a lot more varience with the male population, that with the female population. So, amongst males (in contrast to females), you'll see more sociopaths, geniuses and fruit cakes of whatever flavour. That's just my perception or hunch, not based on any data or studies.

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