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Sheffield Night's out - Advice?


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Hello !


So this is going to be an odd/awkward thread...




I came to Sheffield around 7 years ago for University which led to a job so I ended up staying. I absolutely love night's out, going out for some drinks and having a laugh. All my mates from University have now left Sheffield and my work colleagues are quite older individuals, therefore we have limited mutual interests. I sort of feel lonely sometimes I guess as I don't really have anyone to go out with on weekends, therefore I could use some advise on what I should do and how can I meet new people.


This is my first time in a forum so let's see...

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Have you checked out https://www.meetup.com? There's loads of active Sheffield groups, some specifically aimed at 20s/30s. Some are hobby-focused (walking, board games, climbing etc) and some are about socialising / drinking. Although I'm pretty socially inept, I've always found people friendly at the meetups I've been to, and made a few friends through them.

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Hello !


So this is going to be an odd/awkward thread...




I came to Sheffield around 7 years ago for University which led to a job so I ended up staying. I absolutely love night's out, going out for some drinks and having a laugh. All my mates from University have now left Sheffield and my work colleagues are quite older individuals, therefore we have limited mutual interests. I sort of feel lonely sometimes I guess as I don't really have anyone to go out with on weekends, therefore I could use some advise on what I should do and how can I meet new people.


This is my first time in a forum so let's see...


I think you mean "advice" don't you?


Life changes. It's something everyone has to deal with. At University, when you're able to be amongst similar aged, possibly like-minded people, on a regular basis, and have few responsibilities, and spend your spare time "having a drink and a laugh", it must seem to some, like "this is life". But it's not. That was a small period of life, one that will never return again, it's good you enjoyed it and look back fondly on it.


If you made good friends at Uni, did you not keep in touch with them? Did every single one of them bolt it and get the hell out of Sheffield when it ended? Even if they did, would they not fancy coming back one weekend for a beer and a "laugh" - and maybe you visit their city in return?


Are you a person that is happiest in a big group, where you can just tag along and be part of the crowd, or do you prefer smaller groups, or even 1:1's where you can have more opportunity to be you, to express your own views on life and things, and have the benefit of someone's close attention?


One thing I think may be helpful is for you to come to terms with the fact that life isn't like you possibly saw it when a student. You say you have been working for 7 years now. Regardless of age, have you not got any workmates, not a single one, who you would enjoy the company of, even if only for a half hour or so after work? I find that a bit strange tbh.


My first job was working in a department store. I was probably 20 years younger than the next youngest guy in our department. But I went out with all of them and enjoyed their company - I also learned a lot about people and socialising in general. Sure, I wouldn't have wanted to go out with them "clubbing" and looking to pull the girls, but they offered something different and interesting from a social perspective.


There's more than a hint of suggestion here that you probably have some difficulty in establishing and deepening relationships. There's no magical place in Sheffield we can "advise" (note the correct use of the word here) you to go that will resolve your problem for you. The best "advice" I can offer is that you perhaps look for something a bit more meaningful than "a drink and a laugh". Maybe take more interest in sports, fitness, hobbies, work colleagues, and look to socialise in those circles. Where you may meet like-minded people.


Personally, I enjoy going out alone. I have no difficulty in talking to anyone of any age and I feel totally comfortable with that and have made a lot of new friends, just by being outgoing and friendly with folk. I'd recommend you give it a go.

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What sort of things do you like?


That's the best starting point IMHO. If we know you like rugby we can help point you towards rugby related stuff for instance.


I moved back up north in 2009 after spending my 20's living in Essex. In my case a fondness for real ale helped get me socialising again, but there are others things that can be a way to meet other people such as love of music. Your own personal favourite things are as good a starting point as anything.

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True.... what are your likes and dislikes? Walking? Crown green bowls (don't laugh), classic cars...

Real ale as StoatW mentioned, the local CAMRA groups are sociable and active...singing....

C'mon, give us some clues....

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