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Neighbour cut branches off my tree in my back garden without consent!

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Go to Citizens Advice with well documented notes and photographs, try to get a reply to your concerns from your landlord in writing/email. My feelings are that your landlord is acting in a negligent manner, but you need to prove it.


Don't waste your (or their) time.

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Perhaps the CAB do know what they are doing, but the recipient of the advice isn't hearing what THEY personally want to hear.


Its a scenario most lawyers face on a daily basis.


As others have said, the OP needs to speak to the landlord, with any appropriate log/evidence of what's happened. Until that step is taken there is nothing they can be advised on.


Landlord owns the property. Landlord is the only one who has possession and control of the things in dispute. Landlord is the one has authority to do something about it (legal proceedings or otherwise).

Edited by ECCOnoob
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We rent a flat. Its basically a house with us on the bottom floor and a man in the flat above. The back garden belongs to us only. As does the drive way. When we first moved in nearly 3 years ago, our landlord said our upstairs friend always parks his car on the drive and no matter how many times he has tried to stop him, he refuses to park his car elsewhere. Although he has no interest in the garden.


The deeds clearly say this flat has a garden and drive and it isn't shared. However, we park our car on the road outside so not to cause any neighborly disputes and always have done.


This morning, I'm sat in room having a coffee and I heard sawing. Thought it was over the back and thought nothing more of it. After 15 minutes or so I walk into the kitchen to see my upstairs neighbour sawing away at my tree! To which a see a branch been cut off and dumped on my garden! I shouted what the hell are you doing! To which he just walked to his car, chucked his saw on the back seat, got in and drove away!


Now this branch is no where near his car at all! I'd guess at 40 or 50 feet away from the driveway and it isn't large enough to reach our window never mind his so I really don't know why he has even done it!


He even cut round our bird feeder leaving it hanging on nothing more than a twig!


My landlord is away so I cannot contact him. Surely this is criminal damage? He's just left the branches on our garden too so are we suppose to move those!

I can't catch my breath!


where they overhanging is fence line

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