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Tax Mps for old age care.

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A new tax for MPs in England should be introduced to help pay for elderly care.


Retired MPs should also be made to pay if they have lucrative pensions or investments which many will have. This could then be used to ensure everyone who needs support in their old age gets it. :roll:




I think you might need to check your maths, either that or you think MPs pensions are a hell of a lot more lucrative than they are..

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A new tax for MPs in England should be introduced to help pay for elderly care.



What a mind-numbingly stupid suggestion. Did you bother to even attempt to consider how few MP's there are and what a pathetically small amount of tax would be raised?

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A new tax for the over-40s in England should be introduced to help pay for elderly care for all, MPs say.


Not sure which statement is the most barking!


Some mp's stated all over 40's including themselves i would guess- Janus wants to tax someone except himself. Now that is barking.


The only people who should pay for their care WHERE THEY CAN are the recipients,just like the way they spent the rest of their lives.

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A new tax for the over-40s in England should be introduced to help pay for elderly care for all, MPs say.


Not sure which statement is the most barking!


Or we could simply stop wasting vast amounts of money on overseas aid and the biggest drain of all on our finances, our EU membership, and plough that money into social care.

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