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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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to leave, to go away from.


yup... 1 foot, 1 meter, 1 kilometer, 1 mile


Doesn't define by how much.



verb: leave; 3rd person present: leaves; past tense: left; past participle: left; gerund or present participle: leaving





allow or cause to remain.

"the parts he disliked he would alter and the parts he didn't dislike he'd leave"

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What grounds would leave voters have to expect the UK to the EU when they made up only 38% of the electorate?


The same grounds as every other democratic vote with two simple options.


Nobody gives a toss what the "electorate" percentage is. The numbers that matter are who actually bothered to turn up and vote.


If someone didn't choose to do so, tough. Dont bother to vote and you have no grounds to moan about the result.


17,410,742 or 51.9% voted leave

16,141,241 or 48.1% voted remain.


51.9 is higher than 48.1. Leave won.


Even if someone wants to be all childish about it, out of the overall electorate figure it is reported that over 72% went out to vote. Its clearly more than arguable that a representative figure of the population went out an had their opportunity to have a say.


That's how democracy is supposed to be. If the government thew its dummy out every time a vote went against what THEY personally wanted then what is the point? Might as well turn into one of those dictatorship things.


They offered us a vote. We had it. Leave won. We are leaving.


What more is to be said.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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They offered us a vote. We had it. Leave won. We are leaving.


Except it wasn't as simple as that and you know it. The leave campaign offered the moon on a stick and people voted for that. Floored vote mate, and people now realise they were duped. That's why a handful of hardcore leavers are frightened to death of another vote on the final deal.



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Except it wasn't as simple as that and you know it. The leave campaign offered the moon on a stick and people voted for that. Floored vote mate, and people now realise they were duped. That's why a handful of hardcore leavers are frightened to death of another vote on the final deal.




Absolutely correct, and I was one of them.

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Except it wasn't as simple as that and you know it. The leave campaign offered the moon on a stick and people voted for that. Floored vote mate, and people now realise they were duped. That's why a handful of hardcore leavers are frightened to death of another vote on the final deal.




Really. What about the remain campaign. All sweetness and light right?


They NEVER used misinformation, media minipulation, spin and scaremongering did they. They never spent a load of taxpayer money producing a leaflet through everyone's door filled with woe is me doomsday scenarios.


Yes, I complete forgot. All rigged wasn't it. All lies.


17.5 million voters are all gullable idiots with no thought for themselves eh.

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If the government thew its dummy out every time a vote went against what THEY personally wanted then what is the point? Might as well turn into one of those dictatorship things


This has nothing to do with what the government wants or doesn't want.


This is about something which will affect EVERYONE in the UK, and saying that it should go ahead without the support of the majority of the people is simply wrong.

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Tell me what they lied about? Did they break the law?

All the warnings are coming to light, you were duped mate.


Is it so hard to comprehend that a lot of people want out of the EU and all its interference , dictating and rules. The UK managed to survive quite nicely before this circus in Brussels was ever dreamed of. we arnt suddenly going to disappear into a big sinkhole once we leave.

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