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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Not really soft Brexit is it!!




Goods and agriculture but nothing about services.


Services and the needs of the financial sector will be the next incremental addition to the deal.

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It could solve quite a few problems if it gets past Peter Bone and chums.


Barnier will yay it, because it sidesteps the Irish border issue quite nicely for now, at least.


We could do with Corbyn pledging support too, to give the lunatic wing of the Tory party nowhere to go. It remains to be seen whether he has the balls to do that.

Barnier won’t, not only because this proposal still manages to undermines the unity of the SM (cherry picking goods -and not all of them- out of the 4 pillars), but also because it would undermine the EU27 under WTO MFN rules (the U.K. can’t have “CU with the EU + independent trade policy”, lest it also extends that facility to any and every third party country, FTA’d country and EFTA member). It’s a non-starter. Just watch this space.
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Starting to think we are been sold a pup here. Time we had another election to determine who is leader of the Tory Party. Hopefully Mog the Magnificent would oust May who is a Remainer at heart. We need someone with balls to lead us out of Europe, May does not meet the criteria, in any way. Think what you will of Thatcher but it's doubtful she would have performed like May. Maggie would have savaged the EU rabble for sure. She had the balls required to be PM, love her :love: or hate her :gag:.



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Starting to think we are been sold a pup here. Time we had another election to determine who is leader of the Tory Party. Hopefully Mog the Magnificent would oust May who is a Remainer at heart. We need someone with balls to lead us out of Europe, May does not meet the criteria, in any way. Think what you will of Thatcher but it's doubtful she would have performed like May. Maggie would have savaged the EU rabble for sure. She had the balls required to be PM, love her :love: or hate her :gag:.




Thatcher wouldn’t have put herself in this position.


She had a great many faults, but her disdain for referenda wasn’t one of them. No way would she have led us out of Europe on the back on an ill advised referendum

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Starting to think we are been sold a pup here.

The vote was leave or remain, NOT how much should we stay in or get out, no do you want a hard or soft brexit.

You get what you are given :P


I said months back, certain people are going to be very disappointed :hihi:

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The vote was leave or remain, NOT how much should we stay in or get out, no do you want a hard or soft brexit.

You get what you are given :P


I said months back, certain people are going to be very disappointed :hihi:


Yep, you’ll get what you’re given. Everyone who voted for brexit did the voting equivalent of signing a blank cheque. It was “do what you want, we’re giving you carte Blanche to decide”

Edited by Eater Sundae
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Starting to think we are been sold a pup here.


You were sold a pup 18 months ago.


Time we had another election to determine who is leader of the Tory Party. Hopefully Mog the Magnificent would oust May who is a Remainer at heart.


Fool you once, shame on him. Fools you twice, shame on you! LOL :loopy:


We need someone with balls to lead us out of Europe, May does not meet the criteria, in any way.


No-one does, Brexit is an undeliverable fools errand. It is not deliverable in any form advocated by leavers during the referendum, and certainly not Mogg. He's provided nothing to the process or offered any solutions to the issues raise, absolute zero!


I'll wager he wouldn't run for the leadership if it looked like there was any chance of him winning it because he'll have to deliver on those promises, and he knows he can't.


Think what you will of Thatcher but it's doubtful she would have performed like May. Maggie would have savaged the EU rabble for sure. She had the balls required to be PM, love her :love: or hate her :gag:.


Thatcher would never have called a referendum. She thought referendums were the devil's work, the instrument of tyrannies. How right she was!


She would have worked with the EU from within to get the changes the UK wanted. There would be no Brexit with Thatcher at the helm, she knew that unicorns don't exist!

Edited by Magilla
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Starting to think we are been sold a pup here. Time we had another election to determine who is leader of the Tory Party. Hopefully Mog the Magnificent would oust May who is a Remainer at heart. We need someone with balls to lead us out of Europe, May does not meet the criteria, in any way. Think what you will of Thatcher but it's doubtful she would have performed like May. Maggie would have savaged the EU rabble for sure. She had the balls required to be PM, love her :love: or hate her :gag:.




Maggie built the single market and was instrumental in the groundwork for the Euro.


What you are saying is like somebody building their dream house and then burning in down while they still have to live in it.


Seriously Angel, you don’t have a clue


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 19:34 ----------


Yep, you’ll get what you’re given. Everyone who voted for brexit did the voting equivalent of signing a blank cheque. It was “do what you want, we’re giving you carte Blanche to decide”


Then we had an election and May lost 50 seats and her majority on a hard Brexit manifesto

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