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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Cameron's not in charge now though so this very basic answer to a very basic question is now open to interpretation by who ever is in charge.




And now we are seeing what was previously described as project fear being portrayed as 100% gospel truth.


Leavers will twist and twist everything little by little to continuously morph their agenda.


That’s how we’ve gone from the likes of Hannan extolling the virtues of existing models to arguing for a complete and violent disconnect.

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Maggie built the single market and was instrumental in the groundwork for the Euro.


What you are saying is like somebody building their dream house and then burning in down while they still have to live in it.


Seriously Angel, you don’t have a clue


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 19:34 ----------



Then we had an election and May lost 50 seats and her majority on a hard Brexit manifesto




Here you are, the end part of Camerons speech the day before we had the referendum. Just for you as it seems you don't have a clue what we voted for.




"So as you take this decision – whether to remain or leave – do think about the hopes and dreams of your children and grandchildren.


"They know their chances to work, to travel, to build the sort of open and successful society they want to live in, rests on this outcome.


"And remember: they can’t undo the decision we take.


"If we vote out, that’s it.


It is irreversible.


"We will leave Europe – for good.


"And the next generation will have to live with the consequences far longer than the rest of us.


"For the next two days, up and down the country…


"…in homes, in pubs, in the staff room at work, on the train on the way home…


"…the conversations will continue: in or out?


"But on Thursday, those conversations will stop.


It will just be you in that polling booth.


"Just you – taking a decision that will affect your future, your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future.


"I believe, very deeply, from my years of experience, that we’ll be stronger, we’ll be safer, we’ll be better off inside Europe.


"To put it as clearly as I can: our economic security is paramount.


"It is stronger if we stay.


"If we leave, we put it at risk.


"That’s a risk to jobs, a risk to families, a risk to our children’s future – and there’s no going back.


"So, this Thursday, remember who we are as a nation…


"…remember how far we’ve come, and how much more we can achieve…


"…and, for you, for your family, for the future of our country, vote remain.



But Camerons words were ignored, the majority of those who voted, voted to leave. What part of leave don't you understand.



Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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It is irreversible.


"We will leave Europe – for good.


"And the next generation will have to live with the consequences far longer than the rest of us.


"For the next two days, up and down the country…


"…in homes, in pubs, in the staff room at work, on the train on the way home…


"…the conversations will continue: in or out?


"But on Thursday, those conversations will stop.



It will just be you in that polling booth.


"Just you – taking a decision that will affect your future, your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future.


"I believe, very deeply, from my years of experience, that we’ll be stronger, we’ll be safer, we’ll be better off inside Europe.



"To put it as clearly as I can: our economic security is paramount.


"It is stronger if we stay.


"If we leave, we put it at risk.


"That’s a risk to jobs, a risk to families, a risk to our children’s future – and there’s no going back.


"So, this Thursday, remember who we are as a nation…


"…remember how far we’ve come, and how much more we can achieve…


"…and, for you, for your family, for the future of our country, vote remain.



Project Fear ;)


Those things couldn’t possibly happen could they....it’s just the remain campaigns trying to scare you ;)



You must have a very short and selective memory

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Cameron's not in charge now though so this very basic answer to a very basic question is now open to interpretation by who ever is in charge.

It should be irrelevant who is charge because the democratic people made the decision to leave the EU. If the UK stays in the Single Market and the Customs Union, then the UK are not really leaving the EU. How about allowing just the MPs who campaigned and voted for the UK to leave the EU interpret what the democratic UK people voted for?

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It should be irrelevant who is charge because the democratic people made the decision to leave the EU. If the UK stays in the Single Market and the Customs Union, then the UK are not really leaving the EU. How about allowing just the MPs who campaigned and voted for the UK to leave the EU interpret what the democratic UK people voted for?


Do you have any idea how our Parliament works and compare it with what you just said?

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There was a vote regarding membership of the EU.


There wasn’t a vote regarding membership of, for example, the CU


Do you have some specific knowledge of the thinking of all brexit voters? A specific knowledge that nobody else has.

During the referendum campaign both sides said we would leave the SM & CU. so the voting public knew what would happen if the leave side won. The truth is the remain side didn't think they would lose.

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It should be irrelevant who is charge because the democratic people made the decision to leave the EU. If the UK stays in the Single Market and the Customs Union, then the UK are not really leaving the EU. How about allowing just the MPs who campaigned and voted for the UK to leave the EU interpret what the democratic UK people voted for?


Who are the ‘democratic people’?


We can be in the CU and the SM without being in the EU. Other countries are.


There was nothing on the ballot paper to indicate how that would work was there?


May campaigned - democratically - on a hard Brexit manifesto and she blew a decent commons majority. The electorate rejected her vision. We have already democratically rejected hard Brexit.

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Do you have any idea how our Parliament works and compare it with what you just said?

You have missed the point I made to the poster I quoted regarding interpretation. We all know how Parliament works. The problem for BREXIT is the majority of Parliament don't want the UK to leave the EU, while the majority of the democratic people voted for the UK to leave the EU.

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You have missed the point I made to the poster I quoted regarding interpretation. We all know how Parliament works. The problem for BREXIT is the majority of Parliament don't want the UK to leave the EU, while the majority of the democratic people voted for the UK to leave the EU.


But the members of Parliament were elected by the democratic will of the people, after the Brexit vote. I think people knew what they were voting for in the GE.


You Brexiteers seem keen on the sovereignty of our parliament. Let them get on with being sovereign.

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It should be irrelevant who is charge because the democratic people made the decision to leave the EU. If the UK stays in the Single Market and the Customs Union, then the UK are not really leaving the EU. How about allowing just the MPs who campaigned and voted for the UK to leave the EU interpret what the democratic UK people voted for?


Nope try readintg i again, it doesn't matter what Cameron said, cameron isnt in charge so it will be dealt with by whoever is in charge, and sadly that's Teresa May.


Sovereignty eh, brilliant.


Now if you want the country to be run by the ill informed masses and vote for basic stuff like on x factor, maybe we could have a referendum on that.


---------- Post added 08-07-2018 at 12:10 ----------


You have missed the point I made to the poster I quoted regarding interpretation. We all know how Parliament works. The problem for BREXIT is the majority of Parliament don't want the UK to leave the EU, while the majority of the democratic people voted for the UK to leave the EU.


Then maybe the country could have voted for hard brexit mps at the last election - I'll guarantee every constituency had one.

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