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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I don't know how anyone is going to get it through to you but there will not be another vote for 2 reasons.


1. The EU would purposely give us a bad deal so the country refused it and so stayed in. This is basic common sense that it should not be difficult to understand.


Say if you went into a random car showroom and said you wanted to buy a car and will not leave until you have one. Obviously, they wouldn't offer you the same deal as someone who didn't commit to buying. Basic stuff really.


2. There's already been a vote. We've already had a People's Vote. It would cause a major political nightmare. Why would anyone think their vote mattered if the politicians didn't do as the electorate voted? Then there's the nightmare scenario imagine if people voted to stay in but by a lesser majority than the first vote? What would the government do?


So if there was a People's Vote and it was 50.5/49.5 to stay in, should we?


---------- Post added 08-07-2018 at 17:18 ----------



Of course but the first vote would have to be enacted first.


Using your logic if we stayed in after another vote we could have another one the year after to leave. There will be no end. The issue will never ever be settled.


We have to leave. In a few years there's nothing stopping the Lib Dems campaigning to go back in, they can put it in the manifesto.


There's another issue though. Corbyn is a Brexiteer, he wouldn't agree to another vote.


I don't know why the EU attracts such religious like worshipping. It's not going very well over there. Even if we struggle a bit at first maybe we will still be better off it all collapses over there.


It's isn't going well over there but in a short space of time, we're going to find out what it's like outside the tent with everyone urinating outwards.


It's not going to be mad max stuff but it will be bad for an extended period of time. And it's all needless!


I'll bet we'll be back cap in hand within 10 years.

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It's isn't going well over there but in a short space of time, we're going to find out what it's like outside the tent with everyone urinating outwards.


It's not going to be mad max stuff but it will be bad for an extended period of time. And it's all needless!


I'll bet we'll be back cap in hand within 10 years.


Why on earth would you think that? 90% of our trade is internal. (Nigel Farage claimed this today on his show. I'm open to adjusting it)


The Office of National Statistics states 43% (2016) of our goods and services are exported to the EU.


So what's that.... 4.3% of our total trade is with the EU. This will be a vast sum of money. But we'll be saving 100m a week not being a member. There will also be other opportunities to trade independently with other countries.


It will all be fine. There'll be some minor tinkering but we'll not really notice much difference.


The whole issue is more about politics.

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I don't know how anyone is going to get it through to you but there will not be another vote for 2 reasons.


1. The EU would purposely give us a bad deal so the country refused it and so stayed in. This is basic common sense that it should not be difficult to understand.


Say if you went into a random car showroom and said you wanted to buy a car and will not leave until you have one. Obviously, they wouldn't offer you the same deal as someone who didn't commit to buying. Basic stuff really.


2. There's already been a vote. We've already had a People's Vote. It would cause a major political nightmare. Why would anyone think their vote mattered if the politicians didn't do as the electorate voted? Then there's the nightmare scenario imagine if people voted to stay in but by a lesser majority than the first vote? What would the government do?


So if there was a People's Vote and it was 50.5/49.5 to stay in, should we?.


I’m not saying there will be another vote. I’m actually saying there will be many votes. We will vote to elect new governments, and if at some point there is a will to return to the EU - which is very likely - then it makes no sense now to select the most destructive and violent route.


The sensible route and one which allows for a continued orderly transition away from the EU, or an orderly transition back, is a soft Brexit.


That reflects the democratic will of the people.

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Why on earth would you think that? 90% of our trade is internal. (Nigel Farage claimed this today on his show. I'm open to adjusting it)


The Office of National Statistics states 43% (2016) of our goods and services are exported to the EU.


So what's that.... 4.3% of our total trade is with the EU. This will be a vast sum of money. But we'll be saving 100m a week not being a member. There will also be other opportunities to trade independently with other countries.


It will all be fine. There'll be some minor tinkering but we'll not really notice much difference.


The whole issue is more about politics.


I think somewhere along the line your stat's are wrong


there is nothing stopping us trading with other countries now, germany in particular seems to be quite good at it.

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It should be irrelevant who is charge because the democratic people made the decision to leave the EU. If the UK stays in the Single Market and the Customs Union, then the UK are not really leaving the EU. How about allowing just the MPs who campaigned and voted for the UK to leave the EU interpret what the democratic UK people voted for?

LOL keep worming around but you know full well for all your excuses brexit is brexit, how and how much is still to be decided, the "democratic" public only voted to leave, doesnt matter what you say its the government in charge now who work it out and decide and agree on how and how much.

Theres gonna be a lot of dummy spitting from the brexit extremists, and i said it months ago, its NOT going to be a full on hard brexit with a clean break, the government does NOT want to upset our standard of living and destroy our economy.

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I’m not saying there will be another vote. I’m actually saying there will be many votes. We will vote to elect new governments, and if at some point there is a will to return to the EU - which is very likely - then it makes no sense now to select the most destructive and violent route.


The sensible route and one which allows for a continued orderly transition away from the EU, or an orderly transition back, is a soft Brexit.


That reflects the democratic will of the people.


I doubt a future population would vote to rejoin. If they do I'll agree to it. I believe in democracy.


If there is a campaign in the future it will be a tough one to win for rejoining. We'll have to-


1. Join the Euro.

2. Accept Free Movement

3. Join Schengen

4. Pay the fees without our rebate

5. Accept other countries court rulings


No doubt Mr Farage and Co will have a field day. Looking at the list above we'd have to be mad.


There is a possibility that the EU won't exist in the future anyway.


I don't accept the argument that younger people will always be more Eurocentric. They may be now but when they grow up and get some experience away from the universities the penny will drop.


Why are house prices so high?... oh demand, I never considered that.


Why are rents so high?.... oh demand, I never thought of that.


Why don't my wages rise?... oh others from the EU will do it for less


Etc etc etc.

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Why on earth would you think that? 90% of our trade is internal. (Nigel Farage claimed this today on his show. I'm open to adjusting it)


The Office of National Statistics states 43% (2016) of our goods and services are exported to the EU.


So what's that.... 4.3% of our total trade is with the EU. This will be a vast sum of money. But we'll be saving 100m a week not being a member. There will also be other opportunities to trade independently with other countries.


It will all be fine. There'll be some minor tinkering but we'll not really notice much difference.


The whole issue is more about politics.


Nope. The whole issue ultimately boils down to the economy.


It was always about the economy. Like other Brexiter foot soldiers you’ll only realise it when it’s too late.


---------- Post added 08-07-2018 at 18:09 ----------


I doubt a future population would vote to rejoin. If they do I'll agree to it. I believe in democracy.


If there is a campaign in the future it will be a tough one to win for rejoining. We'll have to-


1. Join the Euro.

2. Accept Free Movement

3. Join Schengen

4. Pay the fees without our rebate

5. Accept other countries court rulings


No doubt Mr Farage and Co will have a field day. Looking at the list above we'd have to be mad.


There is a possibility that the EU won't exist in the future anyway.


I don't accept the argument that younger people will always be more Eurocentric. They may be now but when they grow up and get some experience away from the universities the penny will drop.


Why are house prices so high?... oh demand, I never considered that.


Why are rents so high?.... oh demand, I never thought of that.


Why don't my wages rise?... oh others from the EU will do it for less


Etc etc etc.


It doesn’t matter whether you doubt it or not.


It could happen.


Not a single argument for hard Brexit makes any sense.


You’re just trotting out all the usual Brexiter rubbish.

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Theres gonna be a lot of dummy spitting from the brexit extremists, and i said it months ago, its NOT going to be a full on hard brexit with a clean break, the government does NOT want to upset our standard of living and destroy our economy.


Or they're being very clever and know the EU will reject the latest plan. Everyone's talking about this latest plan as though that's it. The reaction from Brussels may end that one. They may want more, which they won't get then it will be a real Brexit. Out of everything, and the Tories can rightly blame the EU.


There may be a general election then. That will be interesting. I think Labour will then be the stronger party for leaving and Corbyn will show his real Brexit leanings... Will be very interesting and could destroy the two main parties.


---------- Post added 08-07-2018 at 18:12 ----------


Nope. The whole issue ultimately boils down to the economy.


It was always about the economy. Like other Brexiter foot soldiers you’ll only realise it when it’s too late.


---------- Post added 08-07-2018 at 18:09 ----------



It doesn’t matter whether you doubt it or not.


It could happen.


Not a single argument for hard Brexit makes any sense.


You’re just trotting out all the usual Brexiter rubbish.


There's no such thing as a hard Brexit. Brexit means Brexit.

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Where have we heard that before?


From the PM who is now pursuing soft Brexit......


I wouldn't call it that. I think it's a reasonable outcome.


Nick Clegg's calling it a bad deal to encourage Leavers to reject it, then it all spirals out of control and we end up remaining.


I don't believe half of what's said from both sides. They are political enemies and will stop at nothing.

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