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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I don't think that pampered, privileged Remainers have either the will or the courage to smash windows in working class areas that voted to Leave the EU big business club.


---------- Post added 25-09-2018 at 16:54 ----------


If Tarquin and Cressida can only afford to take two foreign holidays next year due to Brexit negatively effecting their share portfolio, I find it very difficult to believe that these stereotypical wealthy Remain voters would dare to take it out on working class Leave voters...


Are Tarquin and Cressida amongst the 65% of Labour voters who wanted to remain?

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I don't think that pampered, privileged Remainers have either the will or the courage to smash windows in working class areas that voted to Leave the EU big business club


I think that there will no shortage of working class remainers who will not be too happy with the clowns who voted for this nonsense, whichever class they belong to.

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Here’s a lovely twitter exchange as a bit of light relief.


Magnificent stupidity from a leaver MP. God help us all...



Thats great, and shows up the brextreemists myriad of lies for what they are, we dont get trade deals outside the EU? Oo

We dont get free trade deals outside the EU?

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Those consequences could be anything up to and including civil disorder. I wouldnt be that surprised if there was a kristellnacht style bit of civil disoirder on all those who used to have big brexit banners in the windows on the run up to the vote...


Still peddling "Project Fear " i see.


We are all doomed , Armageddon is coming. :roll:

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Still peddling "Project Fear " i see.


We are all doomed , Armageddon is coming. :roll:

IF we left with no deal and IF peoples incomes and living standards dropped because of it, there would be civil unrest, a lot of people would become unhappy, thats a fact. I've said all along its a massive gamble (based on lies) and to me it seems it would be easier for it to fail rather than succeed, not hard since nobody on the leave side has actually put projections, facts or a plan in place.

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