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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Lockdoctor has already said that they would not vote in a second referendum despite telling everyone who didn't vote in the first one, to put up and shut up as they have no right to complain. :suspect:

Yes I stated I wouldn't vote in a hypothetical second referendum. I had my say just like every other voter did on 23rd June 2016.


Another poster has told you on more than one occasion it was them and not me who stated people who didn't vote have no right to complain about the outcome. Understanding what people tell you doesn't seem to be one of your strengths unless it is what you want to hear.

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It depends on who is doing the voting.


The EDL and BNP would regularly start those online petitions but if you looked at the signatories more than half of them were signed A Hitler, J Goebbels, B Mussolini, The Pope and M Teresa!


I don't do facebook but I assume anyone can vote on one of those pages? :confused:


Pretty much the Internet is swimming with various forms of catfish, theres those that don't have a right to vote, those that just like to wind up the proceedings for a laugh, then there's our best pals in the U.S.S.R pretty much any organisation that would benefit from the chaos of another vote.


I remember how much that BNP membership list spread sheet changed with people adding names to the original, Internet is the breeding grounds for infantile behaviour and malicious deeds, as well as the greatest source of knowledge, but when its opinions and votes i find its best too take it with a pinch of salt.

Edited by steve68
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You mean his empty handed offer, if she can't deliver a deal labour can lol


Just like the Torys, Labour think they can shout out a list of what they want, tell the EU to do and they will roll over, the likelihood being the EU would trip over themselves for a Labour negotiator is as likely as the a deal as the Tory party can do, again it's promises made that they have no control over the fulfilment of.


Disaster waiting to happen.


lets hope after the chaos, A fiery bird can rise from of the ashes:hihi:


Labour have been talking to the EU negotiators all along. Its pretty much certain whatever they are working on is going to be acceptable to the EU.


It’s likely to be a Norway-type deal with some provisions around state enterprise.

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Labour have been talking to the EU negotiators all along. Its pretty much certain whatever they are working on is going to be acceptable to the EU.


It’s likely to be a Norway-type deal with some provisions around state enterprise.

Of course it is going to be acceptable to the EU, if you accept whatever the EU offer. Agreeing to a Norway type deal which means the continuation of free movement of people would make a mockery of the EU referendum result.


What is amusing is Labour think they could do better than the Conservatives at negotiating when it took them 5 and half hours and several changes to the wording for a vote they put to their own conference regarding what to do after the outcome of Brexit negotiations.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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For many a second referendum is about a vote based on a more complete understanding of what Brexit could mean.

I doubt that many remainers have had a change of heart,and I also doubt that many leavers now believe that they will get the Brexit that they thought they might.

So just like a criminal can get a re trial when new evidence is produced,the public deserves a re referendum.

A simple majority would suffice for me.


But a simple majority is not enough for you regarding the June 2016 People's Vote.


Is that because you didn't get the result you wanted on that occasion?

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But a simple majority is not enough for you regarding the June 2016 People's Vote.


Is that because you didn't get the result you wanted on that occasion?


Hi Car Boot.


What is there to fear in a second referendum? If leavers are genuinely the majority, this is the way to demonstrate that, beyond all doubt. If things have changed and the will of the people has changed, shouldn’t that will be respected?


Please try to answer without reference to the last referendum. We all know that result and the lies upon which it was predicated.

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It's not reversing the result of 2016 but replacing it with one that more accurately reflects the views of the population now, rather than two and a half years ago.


I can't see how anyone who calls themselves a democrat could argue against that! :suspect:


It's so-called 'democracy' - EU style.


It reflects an EU phenomenon called a 'neverendum' in which voters are directed to try again until they achieve the required answer. We have seen it across the EU time and time again. With the support of the various national political elites who are dependent upon the EU gravy train, might I add.

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But a simple majority is not enough for you regarding the June 2016 People's Vote.


Is that because you didn't get the result you wanted on that occasion?

Hi Car Boot.


What is there to fear in a second referendum? If leavers are genuinely the majority, this is the way to demonstrate that, beyond all doubt. If things have changed and the will of the people has changed, shouldn’t that will be respected?


Please try to answer without reference to the last referendum. We all know that result and the lies upon which it was predicated.

This line of argument between Leavers and Remainers is utterly pointless: a 2nd or ‘further’ referendum, if it happens (and I very much doubt it will), would not be a re-run of the 1st in 2016, it would be about the actual form of Brexiting (eg Norway or Canada; ‘whatever is on the table’ or no deal).


The Tories are simply not going to run a 2nd ref, nor a GE. Even if May doesn’t survive next week’s conference.


Only Labour might, but then they’re not in power, and don’t have a HoC majority (thru agreement) to ram a new Ref Act through against the Tories + DUP + die hard-leaver Labs.


And you’ve now got less than 6 months to get it *all* done: new Ref Act, campaign, vote, manage-implement outcome. Same goes for a GE thrown in, on top or as an alternative.


Far too little, far far too late.

Edited by L00b
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It's so-called 'democracy' - EU style.


It reflects an EU phenomenon called a 'neverendum' in which voters are directed to try again until they achieve the required answer. We have seen it across the EU time and time again. With the support of the various national political elites who are dependent upon the EU gravy train, might I add.


Accept that the decision to have another referendum isn't the EU's to make. It would be a British decision, inspired by an increasing demand from the British people, that is called democracy.


Weird concept, I know, following the people's will, at least we have staunch socialists like yourselves who are prepared to fight the right to democracy. When did we hear that before in history?

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Hi Car Boot.


What is there to fear in a second referendum?


The people pushing for a second referendum are the same people that fought unsuccessfully to keep the UK in the EU in the June 2016 People's Vote.


Chuka Umunna, Anna Soubry, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Vince Cable and Andrew Adonis, amongst others, bankrolled by George Soros and other global capitalist financial interests. This squalid group are linked by their contempt for democracy and their hostility to Jeremy Corbyn and his socialist policies.


A second referendum held before the implementation of the democratic result of the June 2016 People's Vote reveals a marked disrespect for democracy and a failure to recognise a vote to Leave the EU.


If leavers are genuinely the majority, this is the way to demonstrate that, beyond all doubt. If things have changed and the will of the people has changed, shouldn’t that will be respected?


Leavers have already demonstrated that they are the majority. There is no doubt about the result of the People's Vote. Please respect it and implement it. Then we can discuss if another referendum is necessary, or even wanted - except by a global elite of capitalist parasites.


Please try to answer without reference to the last referendum. We all know that result and the lies upon which it was predicated.


If you believe that the Remain side didn't tell any lies, with its completely bogus 'Project Fear' strategy to scare people into voting to support the EU because there was nothing positive to recommend it, then I completely understand why you think that the June 2016 People's Vote should not be mentioned, especially the result.

Edited by Car Boot
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