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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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More people voted Tory than Labour in the last election..should Labour shut up and carry out the wishes of the Tory voting UK?

You don't seem to comprehend a referendum is not the same as a General Election. The UK people were asked to decide one single issue regarding UK's membership of the EU. All MPs regardless of which party they represent or which way they personally voted in the referendum, should respect the decision the democratic UK people made and support the UK completely leaving the EU. It is the MPs who still want the UK to remain in the EU from all parties,who are responsible for the weak position the UK are in, regarding Brexit negotiations.

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All the shenanigans by Remainers. Blocking, legal actions, lies, betrayal will result in no deal now. That will make them even more miserable and the Brixiteeers ecstatic.


You should have just excepted the result.


i voted remain and accept the result and just can't understand why others who voted remain, will not do the same. The country would be in a much stronger position if everyone accepted the democratic decision and pulled together.

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All MPs regardless of which party they represent or which way they personally voted in the referendum, should respect the decision the democratic UK people made


Isn't that asking some MPs them to do two conflicting things at once though??


Afterall they are elected to represent their constituents and their wishes in parliament.


If those same people mostly voted remain then should the MP represent the wishes of their constituents or the wishes of the referendums national majority?

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Be interesting to see exactly how much of the Tory party is left when the wheels finally come off.


There’s not a great deal of it now. The commons has been chaos this afternoon. Backbench Tories screaming each other down as they tried to speak. Cameron’s plan to unite the party is really going well:D


Once the letters to the 22 are all in, there will be an almighty fight.


None of it in the national interest though


---------- Post added 09-07-2018 at 17:18 ----------


i voted remain and accept the result and just can't understand why others who voted remain, will not do the same. The country would be in a much stronger position if everyone accepted the democratic decision and pulled together.


Maybethe Brexiteers should accept that the vote was close and a soft Brexit was therefore the way forward.

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i voted remain and accept the result and just can't understand why others who voted remain, will not do the same. The country would be in a much stronger position if everyone accepted the democratic decision and pulled together.


Be honest 99% of remainers have done nothing more than whinge on the internet, at worst they've just left (as have some brexiteers).


This isn't remainers fault, it's the governments fault, not just Mays but Cameron's too. I'll go with a plan WHEN THERE IS ONE. But there isn't one, I can't get behind policy when it's nothing more than a woolly concept that's, frankly too complicated for our current crop of politicians to conceive let alone act upon.


Brexit means brexit? Yeah great. That'll help.

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i voted remain and accept the result and just can't understand why others who voted remain, will not do the same. The country would be in a much stronger position if everyone accepted the democratic decision and pulled together.


That’s not how it works.

If it was an 80/20 split either way it would not alter strong beliefs in the minority.

The fact that it was a close run thing only fuels the strong remainer hopes of diluting the effects of Brexit or hoping for a change of heart or another referendum to see if views have changed as details become clearer.

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i voted remain and accept the result and just can't understand why others who voted remain, will not do the same. The country would be in a much stronger position if everyone accepted the democratic decision and pulled together.


Because it's a democracy and we have every right to continue to oppose government actions that we don't agree with.

That coupled with the fact that it becomes more and more clear what idiocy brexit is, there's still a real hope that it will be stopped.

I can't understand why you'd 'accept' something you disagree with, unless you're fibbing of course, and you were never against brexit.

Edited by Cyclone
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i voted remain and accept the result and just can't understand why others who voted remain, will not do the same. The country would be in a much stronger position if everyone accepted the democratic decision and pulled together.


Already explained why. Happy to do so again.

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All the shenanigans by Remainers. Blocking, legal actions, lies, betrayal will result in no deal now. That will make them even more miserable and the Brixiteeers ecstatic.


You should have just excepted the result.

"Blocking, legal actions, lies, betrayal" by remainers? Rather a lot of nasty accusations, there.


Alright, I'll certainly give you Gina Miller. But then, if you are even a half-inch inclined towards supporting the centuries-old British-style democracy (Parliamentary sovereignty), you should be grateful to her, rather than resentful: she single-handedly stopped May's dictatorial push back in 2016/2017, resulting in the affirmation of Parliament's sovereignty (May was told as much long before Miller filed her claim, she didn't need to waste taxpayers' pounds and time fighting the Miller claim and then appealing it).


Not that it did a great deal of good of course, since Parliament still eventually voted to cut off its sovereign balls, with leaving the Henry VIII powers in the EU Withdrawal Act anyway :roll:


But for the rest -and I'd say the graver accusations (of 'blocking, lies, betrayal')- let's have some details. Names and links, if you please.


Then we can start a comparison with Leave and associates, m'kay?

Edited by L00b
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