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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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It was a fair comment. The EU don't want members to leave their Union and the Soviet Union didn't want countries to break away from their Bloc.
There’s normal every day level of stupid. And then there’s special level of stupid. That comment from Hunt was that rare exception, the top tier amazing level of stupid


As for EU members, they are all free to leave whenever they want. Just trigger Article 50, and there is no obligation to reach a deal on a future relationship.


The only requirement is that they respect their own (sovereign) constitutional procedure when they invoke their right to exit. Unsurprisingly, that requirement is there to prevent an authoritarian government from taking their country out without democratic due process (such as May was going to do pre-February 2017, before Miller took her to Court)


The U.K. has been free to leave the EU since 29 March 2017. Still is. You dont have to wait 6 months, you know. Just vote the Great Repeal Act through, and done.


It’s hardly the EU’s fault that you’re wanting your cake and eating it after leaving. I told you before, the EU told you and May and the world before: you ain’t getting it.


Now grow up and assume your life choices. Your sense of entitlement is going to get the long-overdue adjustment which it deserves and, after around 10 years of wilderness pilgrimage, you should be getting your epiphany and come sit back at the table, suitably enlightened :)

Edited by L00b
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The future looks grim for a lot of people whether we're in or out. But you can bet your bottom that every ill that befalls us will be blamed on Brexit.


Never mind that we have one of the worst governments ever who have already done untold damage without the help of the EU or Brexit, and will no doubt continue to get it wrong on every level.

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The future looks grim for a lot of people whether we're in or out. But you can bet your bottom that every ill that befalls us will be blamed on Brexit.


Never mind that we have one of the worst governments ever who have already done untold damage without the help of the EU or Brexit.


And by voting leave, you've given them everything. No EU hand outs to the poorest regions, regions who get the money by numbers only, not political expediency.


Those near the bottom will suffer, no doubt. But that's what you voted for.

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The future looks grim for a lot of people whether we're in or out. But you can bet your bottom that every ill that befalls us will be blamed on Brexit.

Never mind that we have one of the worst governments ever who have already done untold damage without the help of the EU or Brexit, and will no doubt continue to get it wrong on every level.


As you say, our present situation has been caused by our Government, this one is particularly bad.

That will still be the case after, if, we leave the EU.

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The future looks grim for a lot of people whether we're in or out. But you can bet your bottom that every ill that befalls us will be blamed on Brexit.


Never mind that we have one of the worst governments ever who have already done untold damage without the help of the EU or Brexit, and will no doubt continue to get it wrong on every level.


How is brexit going to improve things ..from what I remember reading you supported it.. aren't you giving the UK government even more free rein?

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The future looks grim for a lot of people whether we're in or out. But you can bet your bottom that every ill that befalls us will be blamed on Brexit.


Never mind that we have one of the worst governments ever who have already done untold damage without the help of the EU or Brexit, and will no doubt continue to get it wrong on every level.

Ah, no, at least not here: I’ll continue to hold responsible only those who advertised and sold the snake oil (Farage, Bojo, Gove, Hunt, May, JRM, Dyson, Martin, Davis, etc).


Those who bought the snake oil, the Leave voters like you, deserve nothing more than pity. You were had. Lengthways, sideways and without lube. This is going to hurt worse than the 70s/80s.

Edited by L00b
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I also fail to see that a United States of Europe is such a horrific prospect ,although I agree that it’s unlikely to happen.

A disunited Europe would be a far worse prospect as history should have taught us.

I see that a new trade agreement has been agreed between the USA,Canada and Mexico.

These countries are also inextricably linked by virtue of their labour,markets and tariff free movement of goods and services.

We need the same with our European neighbours.

Even though I voted to remain I've never felt European and find the prospect of a European super state wrong.
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It wasn't idiotic. You've behaved idiotically because you want the UK to become a prisoner of the EU.


Calm down. I’m just applying your logic to a different case to point out where the problem is.


---------- Post added 02-10-2018 at 10:48 ----------


If countries want to leave the EU and feel they are trapped within the EU then they are prisoners of the EU. In an hypothetical situation where the UK didn't leave the EU after the democratic people declared they wish to leave the EU, then the UK would become a prisoner of the EU.


Rarely a finer example of the power of dog whistle politics. The idea has been planted in your head, you’ve got worked up about it, developed your own spin on it and are now going to believe it for ever, and never stop talking about it.


This week the EU is a soviet prison. Next week the EU will be Nazi jackboots. All in your head.


---------- Post added 02-10-2018 at 10:50 ----------


The future looks grim for a lot of people whether we're in or out. But you can bet your bottom that every ill that befalls us will be blamed on Brexit.


Never mind that we have one of the worst governments ever who have already done untold damage without the help of the EU or Brexit, and will no doubt continue to get it wrong on every level.


So why make it worse be leaving Anna?


You and a lot of the other leavers are starting to exhibit startling logic failures.

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Calm down. I’m just applying your logic to a different case to point out where the problem is.


---------- Post added 02-10-2018 at 10:48 ----------



Rarely a finer example of the power of dog whistle politics. The idea has been planted in your head, you’ve got worked up about it, developed your own spin on it and are now going to believe it for ever, and never stop talking about it.


This week the EU is a soviet prison. Next week the EU will be Nazi jackboots. All in your head.

You're the one who needs to calm down. Jeremy Hunt just made an analogy and I have merely understood his view point. Nothing has been planted in my head but you seem to be EU institutionalised.


---------- Post added 02-10-2018 at 11:14 ----------


There’s normal every day level of stupid. And then there’s special level of stupid. That comment from Hunt was that rare exception, the top tier amazing level of stupid


As for EU members, they are all free to leave whenever they want. Just trigger Article 50, and there is no obligation to reach a deal on a future relationship.


The only requirement is that they respect their own (sovereign) constitutional procedure when they invoke their right to exit. Unsurprisingly, that requirement is there to prevent an authoritarian government from taking their country out without democratic due process (such as May was going to do pre-February 2017, before Miller took her to Court)


The U.K. has been free to leave the EU since 29 March 2017. Still is. You dont have to wait 6 months, you know. Just vote the Great Repeal Act through, and done.


It’s hardly the EU’s fault that you’re wanting your cake and eating it after leaving. I told you before, the EU told you and May and the world before: you ain’t getting it.


Now grow up and assume your life choices. Your sense of entitlement is going to get the long-overdue adjustment which it deserves and, after around 10 years of wilderness pilgrimage, you should be getting your epiphany and come sit back at the table, suitably enlightened :)

Thou doth protest too much.

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