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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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The people that wantonly push though with that will seriously wish they hadnt later on. I wouldn’t bet against criminal prosecution later


Boris is waiting in the wings when things go pear-shaped, he will say I told you so, whichever deal is reached.

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The paper we all ticked did not say turn over for the list of conditions that your vote will be cast for. It was made easy for all who were entitled to vote.




Referendum on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union.


VOTE ONLY ONCE by putting a cross X in the box next to your choice.


Should the United Kingdom REMAIN a member of the European Union or LEAVE the European Union.









In or Out, it could not be any easier to understand, could it




So leaving the Remain option aside,which of the minimum of 4 Brexit options did you vote for?

Simple isn’t it?

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If you have very strong belief in something,why on earth should you simply lay down and roll over when you are outvoted.

Circumstances change,but your belief doesn’t until you are persuaded otherwise or reality proves you wrong.

There has not been a single person in government or on this forum who has come up with a plausible argument for the benefits of leaving the EU.

That includes Boris who has no answers,May who is trying to achieve her own interpretation of Brexit,Farage who would be incapable of implementing his agenda and so on.

So if the choice is either no deal or remain,the electorate should have their say because of the impact on our future.

Lockdoctor is strong on the word rhetoric ,so to use a rhetorical question.

Do turkeys vote for Christmas?

In this case I fear that many have.

I have a strong belief in democracy, which means I accept and respect the choice I didn't personally vote for because the people who voted to leave were in the majority. The electorate had their say on the 23rd June 2016.


---------- Post added 03-10-2018 at 12:55 ----------


The only sensible outcome is for the Labour Party to offer a second referendum. They can't lie to us a second time

The Labour party are not the ruling party and the UK are leaving the EU on 29th March 2019.

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Heart drug trials halted over Brexit fears




It’s a pointless exercise when those who prescribe and administer them are getting deported under May’s continuing hostile environment.


I hope his situation gets resolved. If it doesn’t however, and he and his family get evicted from the U.K., then I hope all those who were on his to-operate list and are sent to the back of the waiting list, voted for Brexit and for the Tories in 2017: they can have a taste of their own medicine, see if their ideology will cure their ticker :twisted:

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I have a strong belief in democracy, which means I accept and respect the choice I didn't personally vote for because the people who voted to leave were in the majority. The electorate had their say on the 23rd June 2016..


In your belief then is Brexit the correct decision or not?

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This is interesting, the majority of you lot are "low skilled" workers according to the PM.
After so many Brexiteers argued that the Brexit cost (incl. to their own families) is worth bearing, that one shouldn’t even register on their radar :D


What’s more interesting, is that May’s value criteria for these “low skilled” workers goes all the way up to include even e.g. registrars (docs with 5-10 yrs hospital practice), and every nurse, physio, police officer, fireman etc. in-between.


And that the “highly-skilled” migrants whom she wants to keep are leaving in droves, and those which she wants to attract have stopped coming (recruitment of EU vets, EU senior nurses, etc. are all in crisis now).


The Tories are, entirely as expected, going to replace educated and culturally-close immigration from Christian/secular European countries, with less educated and culturally more different immigration from theistic countries. The obvious target is a cheaper and more malleable workforce for a sweat shop economy, see e.g. Philipinos in Emirate countries.

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After so many Brexiteers argued that the Brexit cost (incl. to their own families) is worth bearing, that one shouldn’t even register on their radar :D


What’s more interesting, is that May’s value criteria for these “low skilled” workers goes all the way up to include even e.g. registrars (docs with 5-10 yrs hospital practice), and every nurse, physio, police officer, fireman etc. in-between.


And that the “highly-skilled” migrants whom she wants to keep are leaving in droves, and those which she wants to attract have stopped coming (recruitment of EU vets, EU senior nurses, etc. are all in crisis now).


The Tories are, entirely as expected, going to replace educated and culturally-close immigration from Christian/secular European countries, with less educated and culturally more different immigration from theistic countries. The obvious target is a cheaper and more malleable workforce for a sweat shop economy, see e.g. Philipinos in Emirate countries.


They don’t think of it in those terms.


It’s about neoliberal ideology. And a cornerstone of that ideology is to allow labour to freely move to follow the work across the globe. The ideology allows for powerful migratory flows where needed, and to understand the mindset of neoliberal Brexiters think back to the ‘Fortress Europe’ arguments that took hold 10-15 years ago.


Foot soldier Brexiters see the EU as an agent of globalisation , and it is to a point. The problem for the Brexit leaders is that the EU prevents pure globalisation.


If the footsoldiers understood that the last thing on Brexit leaders’ minds is to offer greater protection then they’d realise they are being led like lambs to the slaughter.

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