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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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So leaving the Remain option aside,which of the minimum of 4 Brexit options did you vote for?

Simple isn’t it?



Been able to read, I cast my eyes over said ballot paper and I was able to see my choice of vote was there in plain English, Leave the European Union, so that's what I voted for. If it ends up as WTO rules so be it. Well worth getting away from the corrupt EU, no matter what the Remoaners say.



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Been able to read, I cast my eyes over said ballot paper and I was able to see my choice of vote was there in plain English, Leave the European Union, so that's what I voted for. If it ends up as WTO rules so be it. Well worth getting away from the corrupt EU, no matter what the Remoaners say.




If the economy is devastated you will still hold that view?

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Been able to read, I cast my eyes over said ballot paper and I was able to see my choice of vote was there in plain English, Leave the European Union, so that's what I voted for. If it ends up as WTO rules so be it. Well worth getting away from the corrupt EU, no matter what the Remoaners say.




Congratulations on being able to read.

Next step....comprehension

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If the economy is devastated you will still hold that view?


Nah, it will be someone else's fault. Not brexit. No sir.


And Japan is warning that no a deal with the eu will result in an awful lot of their companies jumping the UK ship. One little snippet I read that it was thatcher who lured a lot of these Japanese companies over here in the 80s presenting the UK as a useful springboard to Europe. That will be done and finished come march!

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Nissan’s board authorises warning to U.K. government about Brexit.


That, ladies and gents, is your loudest warning yet, and I’d consider it final: Nissan doesn’t do open politics; the fact that this was sanctioned by HQ in Japan should be weighed with all the gravity that it deserves.


Of course, a fully expected consequence since long before the referendum, because baseline commonsensical cause-and-effect. And unsurprisingly, the Japanese -with an affinity for the long term- are unswayed by Theresa’s taxpayers-funded promised bungs.

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And unsurprisingly, the Japanese -with an affinity for the long term- are unswayed by Theresa’s taxpayers-funded promised bungs.


If Nissan do withdraw from the UK, how long will it be before one side or other breaks the confidentiality agreement and reveals what the DTI promised Nissan in the weeks after the Brexit vote?


Airbus workers in Broughton, and Nissan workers in Sunderland have not only voted themselves out of a job but both groups have done so in economically deprived areas where there is very little alternative employment.


Even the government's own studies (the ones they tried to hide from the public and even Parliament) clearly forecast that the economic effects of Brexit would hit areas like Sunderland and mid-Wales first.

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Nissan’s board authorises warning to U.K. government about Brexit.


That, ladies and gents, is your loudest warning yet, and I’d consider it final: Nissan doesn’t do open politics; the fact that this was sanctioned by HQ in Japan should be weighed with all the gravity that it deserves.




You don’t understand.


The German car makers aren’t going to sit there and allow a bad deal....


... wait a minute:huh:

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