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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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How to link a completey unrelated story to brexit in one easy step :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 08-10-2018 at 22:54 ----------


I think most people know *bot*h sets of campainers lied.

If there was a second referendum, which also gave a 'leave' result, would that be that, or should we keep having them, until there was an acceptable result?


Don't you mean a fourth referendum ? After the ones in 73, 75 and 16.

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Don't you mean a fourth referendum ? After the ones in 73, 75 and 16.

We only had one in '75 to join the EEC and one in 2016 to leave the EU.

Other countries had them on EU enlargement, Maastricht, Lisbon etc our governments of the time didn't bother.

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Not sure what point you are trying to make because balance of trade figures include both goods and services. It's a fact both Germany and the UK are both big net contributors to the EU budget. It's a fact Germany have a big balance of trade surplus with other EU members, but the UK have a big balance of trade deficit with other EU members.

UK contributions per head of population are the 26th lowest of member states. UK contributions as a percentage of GDP are lower than every member state except Croatia and Netherlands.

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UK contributions per head of population are the 26th lowest of member states. UK contributions as a percentage of GDP are lower than every member state except Croatia and Netherlands.

That's not true, because only 10 states are net contributors, the other 18 are net recipents.

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I think most people know *bot*h sets of campainers lied.

If there was a second referendum, which also gave a 'leave' result, would that be that, or should we keep having them, until there was an acceptable result?


I don't think that they did. "Project fear" as it was called by the brexitiots has turned out to be fairly accurate.

On the other hand the leave campaign has been found to have broken the law, and has an egregious list of outright lies.


---------- Post added 09-10-2018 at 10:05 ----------


Would "that be that".

Personally I think the referendum should have required more than a simple majority, but if a second referendum were held and 60% voted leave I think I'd just have to accept that 60% of the country are either idiots or self interested.

Since this is a fundamental, non reversible change, making it a simple majority vote is a mistake IMO.

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UK contributions per head of population are the 26th lowest of member states. UK contributions as a percentage of GDP are lower than every member state except Croatia and Netherlands.

I think you are wrong about contributions per head of population because the BBC have the UK ranked the 7th largest net contributor per head of population.




The UK have the late great Margaret Thatcher to thank for negotiating a rebate from the EU resulting in lower contributions as a percentage of GDP.

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We only had one in '75 to join the EEC and one in 2016 to leave the EU.

Other countries had them on EU enlargement, Maastricht, Lisbon etc our governments of the time didn't bother.


Not all countries by any means had referendums on enlargement (and these have been mainly countries deciding to join or not), Maastricht (only 4 countries), Lisbon (just Ireland) etc.


A list here;



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I don't think that they did. "Project fear" as it was called by the brexitiots has turned out to be fairly accurate.

On the other hand the leave campaign has been found to have broken the law, and has an egregious list of outright lies.

George Osborne said, there would be a recession immediately following a vote leave, of between 3% and 6%, an emergency budget, up to 820k job losses, wages down 3% and house prices down 10%. They did not happen.

Leave lied about the amount of funding that would be immediately available to the NHS, the figure is wrong and they aren't in control of where any saving may or may not be spent.

BTW, simply calling people you disagree with 'idiots' won't help convince anybody about what you are saying, and actually just perpetuates the 'shut up we know best' , that so many people hate about politics.

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We only had one in '75 to join the EEC and one in 2016 to leave the EU.

Other countries had them on EU enlargement, Maastricht, Lisbon etc our governments of the time didn't bother.

Arguably, if the UK democratic people had been given a referendum on either the Maastricht or Lisbon Treaties, then the 2016 EU referendum would never had happened. I wrote arguably because the EU might not have respected the results of those referendums, if the democratic UK made the wrong choice like the Irish democratic people did in their first Lisbon Treaty referendum.

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Not all countries by any means had referendums on enlargement (and these have been mainly countries deciding to join or not), Maastricht (only 4 countries), Lisbon (just Ireland) etc.


A list here;



I didn't say they did. The poster just said it would be our 4th EU referendum, it wouldn't be, we've had one to join the EEC, one to leave the EU.

Some other countries voted on Lisbon and Masstricht and enlargement, which were major changes to the organisation we joined.


---------- Post added 09-10-2018 at 10:19 ----------


Personally I think the referendum should have required more than a simple majority, but if a second referendum were held and 60% voted leave I think I'd just have to accept that 60% of the country are either idiots or self interested.

Since this is a fundamental, non reversible change, making it a simple majority vote is a mistake IMO.

Or they have a different opinion to you based on different experience.

I know lots of people who voted Leave and Remain, they manage to discuss things without reverting to ridiculous name calling.

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