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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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It isn't hassle free, there's more paperwork for starters - let alone the need for "donations" in certain countries. Not so the EU.

OK, I do it everyday, exporting Sheffield manufactured goods worldwide, EU and non-EU. I don't find it a hassle it takes about 3 seconds longer on a shipment.

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If they get enough support for a referndum, then they will have to be allowed one, as last time. The comment was more of my opinion, that if they want to have one they can. You just seem to be arguing for the sake of it. They had a referendum before the EU referndum, you are making it cause and effect, when it isn't. They may well have another even if we stay, how does that fit in?
I’m not arguing for the sake of it, nor making any parallel to the 2016 referendum, in the least: I’m simply following the logic of your own argument, that further regionalisation is desirable.


You’re the poster dodging my question with a deflection trying to establish that causality.

I didn't reference any fear angle, only that an expanding EU exaggerates my concerns with it, i.e the exact topic we were discussing :roll:
So why did you pick Turkey as an example? Other countries are much closer to EU accession over time than Turkey.


Ironically enough, the notion of an expanding UK (as mooted by some prominent Leavers wishing for the RoI to return to the Union) goes straight into my question.

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I’m not arguing for the sake of it, nor making any parallel to the 2016 referendum, in the least: I’m simply following the logic of your own argument, that further regionalisation is desirable.


You’re the poster dodging my question with a deflection trying to establish that causality.

So why did you pick Turkey as an example? Other countries are much closer to EU accession over time than Turkey.


Ironically enough, the notion of an expanding UK (as mooted by some prominent Leavers wishing for the RoI to return to the Union) goes straight into my question.

Picked Turkey, as they would by then be the largest population member. Bosnia and Serbia could be mentioned instead.

Remeber, we all have a different opinions. I'm not trying to trick you or 'win' an argument, only explaining why my opinion is what it is. I don't mind what you believe, that's what a democracy is all about.


---------- Post added 10-10-2018 at 15:37 ----------


Under what trade agreement are you exporting at the moment?

You need to answer some questions from further up, before firing new ones out.

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Does Ebay have one? :) (just a joke before anyone gets the hump :) )

Not got the hump, but we are well respected organisation, selling through our own channels worldwide, employing local people, selling to good customers and colleagues in EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand etc Trading with those non-eu countries is not problematic neither is importing from them and others.

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Come on, the 'democratic influence' thing was nonsense, you know it, everyone else knows it.


So, under what trade agreement are you exporting under?


Only questions, never any answers, I see now why you are happy delegating decison making to others.

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Remember, we all have a different opinions. I'm not trying to trick you or 'win' an argument, only explaining why my opinion is what it is. I don't mind what you believe, that's what a democracy is all about.
I’m aware -and tolerant, would you believe- of divergent opinions, and am not trying to trick you either: I’m just logic-testing your own argument, to see whether it is borne from pragmatism (worth debating SFAIC) or from nationalism (worth ignoring, again SFAIC).
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