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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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The only thing he appears to have got right in the last 2 years is that “The fishing industry is mainly focused on coastal towns.”

lol, and it aint coming back anytime soon since the damage is already done, its not going to boom, the boats are gone, the men are gone.

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To be fair that unicorn fudge cake surprise was always going to get knocked back by the eu. Given the timescale I think we are heading towards no brexit or hard brexit.


Anyone's guess, which we will get and who will deliver it.

I can't see a no brexit but a hard one seems more likely now.

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Then a 3rd ? I honestly think we are heading for a bad or no deal now because of the fudge deal that was supposedly done at Chequers.
Once Cameron's successors took it upon themselves to implement the result instead of fudging it politically, you were always heading for a bad or no deal Brexit.


Because the clowns pushing for Brexit, and those in charge of it on the UK side, didn't -and still don't- understand what the EU is nor how it works; and then, they couldn't possibly have gone about it in a worse way if they tried.


The fudge at Chequers doesn't pass muster with the EU's own red lines, by a country mile, for that same reason.


Maybe May's plan is to keep refining it ever closer to the EEA model. Maybe May's plan always was to do that. But if that's her plan, she waited to lance the Eurosceptic Tory boil far too long. 80 days (give or take) left, to go from the current position to EEA (or the like), isn't do-able given the current state of British politics, by any stretch of the (realistically-bounded) imagination.


Maybe May's plan is, instead, to wait the clock in the hope that the EU27 will blink. That would be beyond foolish, because the EU27 aren't going to blink: they can afford to let the UK Brexit without no deal, long before they can afford to blink and so compromise the integrity of the SM.


The UK will get what the EU27 give. It can take it, or not. It's a free world. In either case, SNAFU will continue across UK politics.

Edited by L00b
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I think Anna Soubury and Ken Clarke will rue the day they brought about the demise of the Tories.


Personally, at first, I liked the White Paper. But it appears I have been misled. When the full details emerge it looks like a soft Brexit. Nobody voted for that.


Farage on his show tonight stated that he is to stand for Ukip leader in March and they are going to put candidates up in all leave seats, especially those where the people voted to leave but the MP backed remain.


Interesting times ahead.

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I think Anna Soubury and Ken Clarke will rue the day they brought about the demise of the Tories.


Personally, at first, I liked the White Paper. But it appears I have been misled. When the full details emerge it looks like a soft Brexit. Nobody voted for that.


Farage on his show tonight stated that he is to stand for Ukip leader in March and they are going to put candidates up in all leave seats, especially those where the people voted to leave but the MP backed remain.


Interesting times ahead.


So kinda like they did at the last election. Now I know they had nuttall in charge - and that guy had enough on his plate managing the England team - but ukip are a spent force. The fact that farage appears to have so much influence on uk politics is frightening.

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I think Anna Soubury and Ken Clarke will rue the day they brought about the demise of the Tories.


Personally, at first, I liked the White Paper. But it appears I have been misled. When the full details emerge it looks like a soft Brexit. Nobody voted for that.


Farage on his show tonight stated that he is to stand for Ukip leader in March and they are going to put candidates up in all leave seats, especially those where the people voted to leave but the MP backed remain.


Interesting times ahead.


UKIP will just split the Labour and Tory vote, won’t win any seats in their own right and will let the LibDems back into the game.


There would even be the possibility of tactical voting in Scotland to increase Labours numbers at Westminster


There’s probably enough ammo on anybody who UKIP wants to front up to demolish their chances, individual by individual.


Remember, UKIP have already fronted up their cleanest candidates previously

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Farage on his show tonight stated that he is to stand for Ukip leader in March and they are going to put candidates up in all leave seats, especially those where the people voted to leave but the MP backed remain.


Interesting times ahead.


Have UKIP stopped beating each other up now?


Anyway, they are skint, aren’t they.


I’ll predict zero seats for UKIP at the next GE.

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