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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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It seem like many remainers on here who are not happy about Brexit you do have one thing in common, you are annoyed that your pensions may be affected when others may be secure and that your generous incomes may fade a bit. I doubt you have children or grandchildren either. To sum it up you are annoyed that Brexit will affect you financially hence being so bitter.


Maybe you can show us how the country will be financially better off with brexit?

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Ooohhh, you must have a short memory.


Veto - a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a lawmaking body.


Yep, we had a veto


Also, remember how the UK didn't take up the Euro?

If the UK had used the veto to block the Maastricht Treaty and Treaty of Lisbon then most likely there would never have been a IN/OUT referendum.


Thank goodness the UK didn't take up the Euro.

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Thank goodness we were sovereign enough to say no we dont want it, eh? :thumbsup:


oh no wait, i mean :suspect::huh::help:


You mean we could decide to do something ourselves? ...well who'd have thought our evil overlords in the EU wouild have let us....you live and learn...

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There is nothing "inconclusive" about it for a start.




Advisory only ballot.


Neither side could persuade more than 38% of the electorate.


Vote Leave campaign censured by the Electoral Commission for a number of campaign irregularities.


BBC criticised for failing to challenge known lies by Vote Leave supporters on a number of news programmes.


Polls of abstainers show the majority of them would have voted to remain.


All polls and poll of polls for the last 18 months show a majority in favour of remain.


The issue is far from concluded. :suspect:

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Hang on, we were sovereign after all.


If only we'd changed the colour of the passports before the referendum.


You mean we could decide to do something ourselves? ...well who'd have thought our evil overlords in the EU wouild have let us....you live and learn...


and wait for it............


we opted out of the Schengen area too ;)

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