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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Ireland is in the EU , Northern Ireland wont be, so there must be a hard border. simple as that . Also security has to be beefed up at the ferry ports and airports in Northern Ireland to stop any that try and slide through.


Reconcile that with the Good Friday Agreement........

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Ireland is in the EU , Northern Ireland wont be, so there must be a hard border. simple as that . Also security has to be beefed up at the ferry ports and airports in Northern Ireland to stop any that try and slide through.


Whoa, give us a bit of warning if you're going to let something that obvious fly over your head!

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Here you are, just a snippet from Boy Dave's last speech before the vote, which part do the Remoaners not understand, it's very clear.


"So as you take this decision – whether to remain or leave – do think about the hopes and dreams of your children and grandchildren.

They know their chances to work, to travel, to build the sort of open and successful society they want to live in, rests on this outcome.

And remember: they can’t undo the decision we take.

If we vote out, that’s it.

It is irreversible.

We will leave Europe – for good."





I can quote Nigel Farage - see my signature...

That has as much weight as Dave's opinion - which is what that rhetoric above is...

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Ireland is in the EU , Northern Ireland wont be, so there must be a hard border. simple as that . Also security has to be beefed up at the ferry ports and airports in Northern Ireland to stop any that try and slide through.

So simple that no one has yet been able to come up with a solution.You choose to alienate the Irish as well as the Europeans and Commonwealth citizens.

Actually it will not be the “foreigners “ that are alienated but England and the rest of the U.K.

It has taken decades to soften the borders between European countries but now you want to ramp up border controls.

Look around the world trouble hot spots that have been controlled by border police and the military.

North and South Ireland,Korea,The Middle East,Mexico and the US.

The list goes on ,but we were becoming more civilised in Europe.

But the likes of you are prepared to throw it all away.....for what?

To stop people “sliding through”.

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So simple that no one has yet been able to come up with a solution.You choose to alienate the Irish as well as the Europeans and Commonwealth citizens.

Actually it will not be the “foreigners “ that are alienated but England and the rest of the U.K.

It has taken decades to soften the borders between European countries but now you want to ramp up border controls.

Look around the world trouble hot spots that have been controlled by border police and the military.

North and South Ireland,Korea,The Middle East,Mexico and the US.

The list goes on ,but we were becoming more civilised in Europe.

But the likes of you are prepared to throw it all away.....for what?

To stop people “sliding through”.


Is it blue passports?

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...We cannot have people moving freely from the Irish Republic ( the EU) into Northern Ireland ( UK) .


And what are you going to do about it?


If 30,000 British troops and 13,000 armed members of the RUC and RUC reserve couldn't stop people crossing the border in thirty years, how are you going to?


Knowing Mr Tone999, he'll "build a great wall on our southern border" and have Dublin pay for it.

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Don't forget about livestock, borders need to be in place to prevent the spread of diseases, like mad cow disease.


Good luck with that!


You do know that not only does the border go through people's living rooms, there are also many farms that have some fields in the North and other field in the South?


That is why agriculture has always been treated on an all Ireland basis and despite what the cranks in the DUP say, livestock is checked at Belfast and Larne to protect all of Ireland's bio security.


Maybe Penny and his mates could set up in a hut in the middle of one of these farms checking ear tags on the cattle shooing good British cows off the lush Irish grass. :D

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Knowing Mr Tone999, he'll "build a great wall on our southern border" and have Dublin pay for it.
I see the Irish ambassador used some rather strong words today. Gloves off-level, in diplospeak scale. And undoubtedly with the preliminary vetting and assent from Dublin, as is usual for very senior diplomatic staff at that level.


So I very much doubt that this would happen. Even in multicoloured, unicorn-filled dreams :D

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