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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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You are arguing that deals are common the U.K.


Historically they are not


Who said they were?


Stop wriggling. Don’t know what point you’re trying to make to be honest


Not wriggling at all and I made myself quite clear, and if you cant understand it then dont reply with a strawman argument.

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What a complete and utter mess!


"Brexit: 'No optimism' for summit breakthrough, says Donald Tusk"




The eve before the big meeting in Brussels and the EU are asking the British Government to come up with 'hard proposals!' What on earth have these clowns been doing for the past two and a half years?


It's time that the Brextremists woke up and realised that their own government is to blame for this mess, not the EU. It is the UK that has pulled the pin on a handgrenade and lobbed it into their own economic future and is now expecting the EU to bail them out. :suspect:

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Who said they were?




Not wriggling at all and I made myself quite clear, and if you cant understand it then dont reply with a strawman argument.


Just clarify your argument.


Fact is coalitions or other forms of deals are not common in our parliamentary democracy. They quite simply aren’t.


You said it was usual to form a deal. That’s far from being true

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Just clarify your argument.


You said it was usual to form a deal. That’s far from being true


I will clarify for you as I said,


Quote, "Even with a hung Parliament and small majority its usual to do a deal and the latest one is no different."


In other words when the majority is small deals with other parties are usually done as with the Conservatives recently, I didnt say it was common at all only that it was usual under those circumstances.

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I'm pleased to see leading brexiteers are being publicly called out on their failed promises:




Sadly nobody is even trying to defend the promises made to the electorate in 2016 any longer.


The attitude now seems to be 'the people voted for this so we must deliver it regardless of the consequences!'. As John Major said yesterday,


"And – once this becomes clear – I believe those who promised what will never be delivered will have much to answer for. They persuaded a deceived population to vote to be weaker and poorer. That will never be forgotten – nor forgiven."

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Indeed, if/when this goes pear shaped they'll be labelled traitors for the rest of their lives.


Water off a ducks back, look at Tony Blair and the Iraq war.


As for someone like Alister Campbell being at the TV forefront of any campaign or demonstration is laughable, when he and his BBF Blair where in power ignored those massive Stop the War. demos


People dislike the likes of Campbell as much as Boris, he distracts from the activists and weaken the remainers voice, personal I don't think the numbers will show up on Saturday, I have a couple of EU friends attending but other than ex work colleagues who will be covering it for pay as I would have if I was still in London, it's not registered much amongst my circle of London friends, maybe the students will come out this time.



Personally it's a mess on every side, Roll on the Anarchy

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Water off a ducks back, look at Tony Blair and the Iraq war.


Reputation in tatters, views lampooned with cries of "Iraq", "murder" & "war crimes".


People challenging him about it in restaurants, pubs and in public such that he can't walk the streets of the UK freely and needs bodyguards at all times.


Water off a ducks back it ain't.

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Reputation in tatters, views lampooned with cries of "Iraq", "murder" & "war crimes".


People challenging him about it in restaurants, pubs and in public such that he can't walk the streets of the UK freely and needs bodyguards at all times.


Water off a ducks back it ain't.

Don't all former Prime Ministers have bodyguards all the time?

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