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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Mmm, the GFA is pretty important to a lot of people ( both republican and unionist) but you don't care about the GFA


Why don't you care about the GFA?


The truth is that the vast majority of voters,both leave and remain,did not recognise the possible impact on the GFA,plus a 1001 other repercussions of Brexit.

The stupidity is in gradually learning of some of the implications and failing to at least reconsider the pros and cons.

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The truth is that the vast majority of voters,both leave and remain,did not recognise the possible impact on the GFA,plus a 1001 other repercussions of Brexit.

The stupidity is in gradually learning of some of the implications and failing to at least reconsider the pros and cons.


It just seems like a blind stampede to the cliff edge......

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Funny enough. I'm also well educated, highly skilled, and quite comfortable financially. I've also worked in Brussels, and in several other European cities.


The lobster pot I've built (is it just me or the 52% of the UK who could be bothered to vote?) doesn't bother me, as I can always substitute a good Cheddar for the Parmesan in my Thermidor.


so you’re happy for the least able and prepared to boil in the pot. It’s what they wanted I guess.

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I am not disputing what you write. However there are posters here who don't respect the democratic EU referendum result, who are making out the Good Friday Agreement is the most important thing since sliced bread. If that is the case then logic states the Good Friday Agreement is more important to the people of the Republic of Ireland then membership of the EU. Those same people, who don't respect the democratic EU referendum result would look for another excuse for the democratically referendum result not being honoured, even if the Republic of Ireland decided to leave the EU, which would solve the Irish border issue.


1. You are being undemocratic by ignoring the Good Friday Agreement - this was enshrined in Law, and you now want to over turn this.


2. If you are happy to overturn 1., then you cannot take any moral stance around people who want to overturn the results of an advisory vote, bearing in mind that it was just that advisory. Even when the PM said the result would be acted upon - this has NO, yes NO, legal standing - it was an opinion.


3. By denying the populous an opportunity to vote on the final deal, you are being undemocratic. Part of that vote must be the opportunity to change their minds about the referendum - after all, remember what David Davies and Nigel Farage said (if you need a hint, see my signature).

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1. You are being undemocratic by ignoring the Good Friday Agreement - this was enshrined in Law, and you now want to over turn this.


2. If you are happy to overturn 1., then you cannot take any moral stance around people who want to overturn the results of an advisory vote, bearing in mind that it was just that advisory. Even when the PM said the result would be acted upon - this has NO, yes NO, legal standing - it was an opinion.


3. By denying the populous an opportunity to vote on the final deal, you are being undemocratic. Part of that vote must be the opportunity to change their minds about the referendum - after all, remember what David Davies and Nigel Farage said (if you need a hint, see my signature).

but if the vote goes the other way but with a narrow margin can the leave voters have another go :suspect:
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The truth is that the vast majority of voters,both leave and remain,did not recognise the possible impact on the GFA,plus a 1001 other repercussions of Brexit.

The stupidity is in gradually learning of some of the implications and failing to at least reconsider the pros and cons.

That is a fair comment linking both leave and remain voters together. However, the truth is two former Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Sir John Major joined forces together and warned the electorate about the possible impact of the Good Friday Agreement, if the democratic UK people voted to leave the EU. The truth is the majority of both remain and leave voters didn't care about the Good Friday Agreement when they made their choice at the ballot box. The 544 MPs who voted in favour of holding the EU referendum were well aware of the Good Friday Agreement. The truth is the MPs who voted in favour of holding the EU referendum vote didn't care about the Good Friday Agreement because the majority of them assumed the democratic UK people would vote to remain in the EU.


The truth is it would be unfair to over 17 million leave voters to deny them their wish to leave the EU because of the Good Friday Agreement, when those in authority passed legislation to hold a referendum were fully aware of the Good Friday Agreement.

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That is a fair comment linking both leave and remain voters together. However, the truth is two former Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Sir John Major joined forces together and warned the electorate about the possible impact of the Good Friday Agreement, if the democratic UK people voted to leave the EU. The truth is the majority of both remain and leave voters didn't care about the Good Friday Agreement when they made their choice at the ballot box. The 544 MPs who voted in favour of holding the EU referendum were well aware of the Good Friday Agreement. The truth is the MPs who voted in favour of holding the EU referendum vote didn't care about the Good Friday Agreement because the majority of them assumed the democratic UK people would vote to remain in the EU.


The truth is it would be unfair to over 17 million leave voters to deny them their wish to leave the EU because of the Good Friday Agreement, when those in authority passed legislation to hold a referendum were fully aware of the Good Friday Agreement.

passing the buck for idiocy as usual :roll:


---------- Post added 18-10-2018 at 19:21 ----------


May cant be trusted to deliver the referendum result . Its time to walk away and tell the EU to shove it . We should not be giving concessions to the Europeans. Walk away before we lose our dignity.

I think the truth is THEY know it will destroy our standard of living and economy and dont want to do it, its only those standing on the sidelines shouting the loudest who wont have to deal with it with the bravado :roll:


---------- Post added 18-10-2018 at 19:22 ----------


The truth is that the vast majority of voters,both leave and remain,did not recognise the possible impact on the GFA,plus a 1001 other repercussions of Brexit.

The stupidity is in gradually learning of some of the implications and failing to at least reconsider the pros and cons.


It just seems like a blind stampede to the cliff edge......

Said all along its only idiots that leap off a cliff before weighing up whether it will hurt or even kill you :roll:


but then they just come back with...well that's up to others to tell us / find out / decide / think about

Edited by melthebell
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What would be idiocy is for those in authority to allow about 35 million people to turn out for a public vote, when one of the two choices can't be implemented because of the Good Friday Agreement.

i agree


but i also think its idiocy to mindlessly vote leave without thinking about any of the possible circumstances and possibilities too ;)

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