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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Can we blame you then when the UK economy tanks?

Why do you want to play the blame game? The EU referendum ballot paper wasn't an exam paper because there wasn't a correct or wrong answer to the question which the UK democratic people were asked. You don't know how the UK economy will perform after the UK leaves the EU. You don't know whether the EU economy will preform better or worse than the UK economy in the long term.

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The poster was asking what the DUP want on the BREXIT thread? Most political parties want different things regarding other issues.




And the reason they give for wanting that, is so that the province is not seen to be any different from the rest of the UK. It is totally legitimate to call them out for that given that on many important issues, the province is not like the rest of the UK, largely because of the extreme right wing Christian, evangelical beliefs of the DUP.

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Can we blame you then when the UK economy tanks?


No. Any blame lies fair and square with the government and parliament not the voters. The government of the day decided to hold a referendum, parliament then approved the act including the wording and details, the referendum was held and parliament then approve and sanctioned the result. Its now this government that has to sort out the mess both of the above have made.

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No. Any blame lies fair and square with the government and parliament not the voters.




The electorate were warned in no uncertain terms about the damage leaving the EU would do to the economy as well as the difficulty of having an EU/non EU border in Ireland, but they chose to ignore those warnings.


Those who voted leave are absolutely to blame for any damage done.


How many times have we heard on here that the government had no choice but to go with 'the will of the people'?

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And the reason they give for wanting that, is so that the province is not seen to be any different from the rest of the UK. It is totally legitimate to call them out for that given that on many important issues, the province is not like the rest of the UK, largely because of the extreme right wing Christian, evangelical beliefs of the DUP.

Let's look at the relevant facts. It's a fact the DUP are a Northern Irish political party, who campaigned before the democratic EU referendum vote for all of the UK to leave the EU. It's a fact Northern Ireland are part of the UK. It's a fact leave won the democratic EU referendum vote, which was about the whole of the UK's future regarding membership of the EU. It's a fact the 2017 General Election result delivered an hung party and the Conservatives needed the support of the DUP to continue in Government. All the DUP are doing is making sure the EU referendum result is honoured and the whole of the UK leave the EU. A political party who campaigned to leave the EU, who have an agreement with the ruling party, would be negligent in their duty, if they failed to ensure the wishes of their own supporters are carried out regarding the EU referendum result.


There have never been any UK referendums regarding abortion, gay marriage etc, etc, which made your point about Northern Ireland not being treated the same as the rest of the UK irrelevant.

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Why do you want to play the blame game? The EU referendum ballot paper wasn't an exam paper because there wasn't a correct or wrong answer to the question which the UK democratic people were asked


Why do you constantly refer to the "UK democratic people". It makes no sense whatosever, particularly when so many people, predominantly Brexit advocates, clearly don't understand how a democracy works.

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Yes really.


It was government that first proposed the referendum and the warnings came after the referendum act was passed by parliament. I believe most of the people in government and parliament also have university degrees so its they that should have foreseen the outcome of a leave vote. In this case their uni education levels didn't seem to help! Why was a referendum proposed in the first place, because of Camerons arrogance or because it was the will of the people. Labour also proposed one when in opposition, was that because of the will of the people or the will of the party in order to gain potential votes.

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Yes really.


It was government that first proposed the referendum and the warnings came after the referendum act was passed by parliament. I believe most of the people in government and parliament also have university degrees so its they that should have foreseen the outcome of a leave vote. In this case their uni education levels didn't seem to help! Why was a referendum proposed in the first place, because of Camerons arrogance or because it was the will of the people. Labour also proposed one when in opposition, was that because of the will of the people or the will of the party in order to gain potential votes.

A fact what people forget is 542 MPs voted in favour of holding the IN/OUT EU referendum vote and only 50 MPs voted against holding the EU referendum vote. Those 542 MPs who voted to hold the EU referendum should have been aware that the democratic people might vote to leave the EU. It's a fact holding the EU referendum vote received overwhelming cross party support in parliament.


---------- Post added 19-10-2018 at 13:19 ----------


Why do you constantly refer to the "UK democratic people". It makes no sense whatosever, particularly when so many people, predominantly Brexit advocates, clearly don't understand how a democracy works.

Because the democratic people voted to leave the EU.

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