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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Why do you want to play the blame game? The EU referendum ballot paper wasn't an exam paper because there wasn't a correct or wrong answer to the question which the UK democratic people were asked. You don't know how the UK economy will perform after the UK leaves the EU. You don't know whether the EU economy will preform better or worse than the UK economy in the long term.


It’s not a game. It’s deadly serious.

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it was predicted that we would go into a recession almost straight away we haven't predictions are just predictions. Some will come true others won't.
The value of the pound in your pocket (and your bank account(s), and your pension pot(s), and...) took an overnight slap of 20% in the teeth, from which it has yet to recover 2 years on. Domestic & foreign direct investment came to a standstill.


These (and others, incl. in particular the brexodus of businesses, City traders first amongst them, about which nobody speaks for fear of upsetting clients/customers) don’t amount to a recession (never mind an overnight one), but then those of us with a reasonable grasp of economics (including at the macro level and cycles) always knew -and I certainly posted at the time- that these situations develop over a long period of time.


A severe economic downturn in the U.K. -and likely beyond due to the expected scale of it in the U.K.- is still very much on the cards: the seeds have been sowed aplenty in the last 2 years, which current economic studies (ie those which ideologists dismiss) fully validate.


I don’t buy in ‘Mad Max’ scenarios peddled by alarmists, no more than I did in Osbornbe’s insta-recession back in 2016. But short of a Norway deal, you’re in for a really rough few years ahead. 70s-rough. It will take still longer to recover from it: again, because these things have the proverbial turning circle of a supertanker

Edited by L00b
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Not just their misfortune though....

No...but then what’s the 48% done about it in the past 2 years?


I’m not a Brit, I couldn’t do anything other than inform and debate. Which I did plenty of, pre-ref and since.


Pragmatically, I could only wait on you guys, since you’re fully enfranchised to do something about it all...and what did you do, collectively? You just asked for more of the same at the GE2017! :roll:


You can’t help people who don’t want to help themselves.

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Don’t know about you, but I don’t blame victims. Even when they’re badmouthing my like.



Leave voters may have been the victims of a fraudulent campaign but they were not forced to vote leave. The real victims are those who saw through the lies, voted remain and are still going to suffer as much as the leave voters without the consolation of at least having voted for their own misfortune.


People really do need to stand up and take responsibility for their own actions.

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Irrelevant, no one believes that you voted remain.


At least be honest.

And no one believes the remoaners who are on here all day who told us they would be leaving, still all here and still coming out with project fear, how we're all going to suffer from brexit.

There's no easy way of telling you this but wages are rising at the fastest rate for ten years, plus there's virtually full employment, something the vast majority of the EU can only dream about.

That might be what some of the remoaners are worried about, they might have to get a job if there are too many vacancies, then they'll not be able to spend all day on forums moaning.

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And no one believes the remoaners who are on here all day who told us they would be leaving, still all here and still coming out with project fear, how we're all going to suffer from brexit.


Name them? If I recall, 2 said they'd leave, and 2 left :?


There's no easy way of telling you this but wages are rising at the fastest rate for ten years, plus there's virtually full employment, something the vast majority of the EU can only dream about.


Safe to say then, that the one about immigrants taking jobs wasn't really that accurate :?


That might be what some of the remoaners are worried about, they might have to get a job if there are too many vacancies, then they'll not be able to spend all day on forums moaning.


LOL, that old chestnut, remainers on balance earn far far more than leavers. They already have the jobs, disgruntled leavers were the ones claiming they couldn't get one, because of immigrants.


So much for that idea :rolleyes:

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And no one believes the remoaners who are on here all day who told us they would be leaving, still all here and still coming out with project fear, how we're all going to suffer from brexit.

There's no easy way of telling you this but wages are rising at the fastest rate for ten years, plus there's virtually full employment, something the vast majority of the EU can only dream about.

That might be what some of the remoaners are worried about, they might have to get a job if there are too many vacancies, then they'll not be able to spend all day on forums moaning.


lol, that's brilliant.


Who was now? ahh yes, Harold McMillan.


"You've never had it so good"

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Name them? If I recall, 2 said they'd leave, and 2 left :?




Safe to say then, that the one about immigrants taking jobs wasn't really that accurate :?




LOL, that old chestnut, remainers on balance earn far far more than leavers. They already have the jobs, disgruntled leavers were the ones claiming they couldn't get one, because of immigrants.


So much for that idea :rolleyes:

They probably need to tell us where they've gone in that case so we can avoid going there, as they must be the most boring places in the world seeing as they spend most of the day on here.

If they've got jobs they must be in the public sector then, as no one I know who's either self employed or in the private sector has that much time on their hands. And don't come out with the old chestnut about working smarter which is the usual excuse for the terminally unemployed.

I've never complained about immigrants coming here to work, I might have complained about the ones who came here to claim benefits, free housing, health care and education but that's a different story as if I put too much on that subject it will be removed.


---------- Post added 19-10-2018 at 17:48 ----------


lol, that's brilliant.


Who was now? ahh yes, Harold McMillan.


"You've never had it so good"

So you don't like the idea of full employment and rising wages.

You prefer to moan about something that might happen or might not, says a lot about the remoaners.

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They probably need to tell us where they've gone in that case so we can avoid going there, as they must be the most boring places in the world seeing as they spend most of the day on here.


So you can't name 'em then :rolleyes:


If they've got jobs they must be in the public sector then, as no one I know who's either self employed or in the private sector has that much time on their hands.


You'll have to talk to our resident remainer, Lockdoctor about that. He can use his "business brain" to tell you all about it :hihi:


Regardless, disputing the average leavers arguments takes less than 5 seconds they're so weak and pitiful so I'm not convinced that much time is really required.


And don't come out with the old chestnut about working smarter which is the usual excuse for the terminally unemployed.


See above.


I've never complained about immigrants coming here to work, I might have complained about the ones who came here to claim benefits, free housing, health care and education but that's a different story as if I put too much on that subject it will be removed.


A central plank of the leave campaign. Like everything else they said/promised, nothing more than illogical, emotive and demonstrably false guff.

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