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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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So you can't name 'em then :rolleyes:




You'll have to talk to our resident remainer, Lockdoctor about that. He can use his "business brain" to tell you all about it :hihi:


Regardless, disputing the average leavers arguments takes less than 5 seconds they're so weak and pitiful so I'm not convinced that much time is really required.




See above.

I've never named anybody on here and I'm not going to start now if you want to know them go back and look on the previous threads :rolls eyes.

So another remoaner who doesn't like the idea of full employment and rising wages. Wonder why that is? Probably because project fear told us exactly the opposite.



A central plank of the leave campaign. Like everything else they said/promised, nothing more than illogical, emotive and demonstrably false guff.

So, no argument then. Just dismiss it

I'll leave the last word to you as usual, you've obviously got plenty of time on your hands. I've got other things to do, as Mrs gomgeg wants taking out tonight and I've been told I've got to go and get ready.

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So, no argument then.


LOL, just listen to yourself.


All these people you claim said they were leaving, you just happen to not remember any of them?


Then the basis of the rest of your argument is that remainers must be out of work, lazy, whatever paricular snide/prejudiced thought happens to be going through your head.


You have no argument.


Just dismiss it


You haven't any point to dismiss.


I'll leave the last word to you as usual, you've obviously got plenty of time on your hands. I've got other things to do, as Mrs gomgeg wants taking out tonight and I've been told I've got to go and get ready.


... and there you go again, but no matter, I've got another 5 seconds :rolleyes:

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So you don't like the idea of full employment and rising wages.

You prefer to moan about something that might happen or might not, says a lot about the remoaners.


Fair play to you, you've read a couple of statements that fit just nicely with your confirmation bias whilst sat in your echo chamber, comfortable in your own thoughts that everything will be fine and dandy.


After all, nothing can be as bad as while we were a member of the EU, right?

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Does anyone else worry about a no deal exit? I do - or shouldn't I worry?

Come on you beleavers, tell me I am stupid and that everything will be fine (but then explain what will make everything fine). Or can't you?


I am already out of pocket, and with food costs going up, and a lack of work force I feel things are only getting worse.

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Does anyone else worry about a no deal exit? I do - or shouldn't I worry?

Come on you beleavers, tell me I am stupid and that everything will be fine (but then explain what will make everything fine). Or can't you?


I am already out of pocket, and with food costs going up, and a lack of work force I feel things are only getting worse.

well, weve got certain posters slagging off the government at every opportunity about austerity, etc

Then they support brexit :suspect:


it "could" cause an even worse version of austerity that lasts for decades rather than A decade, might not, but it could. I for one hope it doesnt, like ive said a million times before it will be us "normal" folk who take the brunt, Rees Mogg and Bojo the clown will be fine with their multinational cash reserves and business opportunities, its US, and those in labour heartlands that voted for it that will be hardest hit.

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A friend has emailed me a link to the Facebook page of Robert Peston, who is the well respected ITV journalist. I think the link is well worth reading and I personally agree with what Robert Peston's views are about the current status and most likely outcome of Brexit negotiations ... read and tell the Sheffield Forum your thoughts.


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A friend has emailed me a link to the Facebook page of Robert Peston, who is the well respected ITV journalist. I think the link is well worth reading and I personally agree with what Robert Peston's views are about the current status and most likely outcome of Brexit negotiations ... read and tell the Sheffield Forum your thoughts.



My claim that this government is incompetent stands the test!

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I am already out of pocket, and with food costs going up, and a lack of work force I feel things are only getting worse.



U.K. Is still relatively cheap compared to the rest of Europe.


Plus worldwide there has been a shortage of crops due to the climate, butter has been rising for over a year now, not just here all across the World, never a butter mountain when you need one, I remember the butter, beef mountains and wine lakes of the gluttonous Europe in the 80s, very tasty they was too.


Will it be worse come brexit, probably

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There's no easy way of telling you this but wages are rising at the fastest rate for ten years, plus there's virtually full employment, something the vast majority of the EU can only dream about.
10 years on, in real terms, UK annual earnings are still more than 3% lower than in 2008, with millenials worst hit.


In UK official statistics, a contract for 1 hour's work a week counts as 'employed'.


---------- Post added 19-10-2018 at 19:40 ----------


A friend has emailed me a link to the Facebook page of Robert Peston, who is the well respected ITV journalist. I think the link is well worth reading and I personally agree with what Robert Peston's views are about the current status and most likely outcome of Brexit negotiations ... read and tell the Sheffield Forum your thoughts.


Lining up nicely for 'no deal by accident', as I've long expected.
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A friend has emailed me a link to the Facebook page of Robert Peston, who is the well respected ITV journalist. I think the link is well worth reading and I personally agree with what Robert Peston's views are about the current status and most likely outcome of Brexit negotiations ... read and tell the Sheffield Forum your thoughts.



I like the top comment at the minute:

"or she could decide to knock the whole thing on the head and we remain as we are."



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