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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Probably, but how much is hard to tell.


The point I was making was that it is very much in Russia's interest to destabilise the EU, which it was trying so hard to help the Vote Leave campaign.


That’s exactly the point.


The best thing for Russia is the most severe Brexit possible.


This is perfect for them.

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It’ll be too late for the poorest and least able to cope


But it’s perhaps the only way people will learn


---------- Post added 20-10-2018 at 20:45 ----------



The biggest threat to the U.K. and EU is doing what Russia wants


And leaving the EU is precisely what they want


Probably, but how much is hard to tell.


The point I was making was that it is very much in Russia's interest to destabilise the EU, which it was trying so hard to help the Vote Leave campaign.


Don't forget Russia other allied force for chaos Donald Duck, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45930206


Two Tribes and we'll be in the Middle again.:loopy:

Edited by steve68
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I guess the simple question then is , why?


One of the reasons for Russia invading the Ukraine and annexing the Crimea was because of the overthrow of the pro-Russian Yanukovytch government and its replacement with a pro-EU government looking for stronger economic ties with the West.


Russia sees the EU as a much more attractive economic alternative to the Russian Federation for many former Soviet states, and therefore a threat to its own economic future.


There is also some evidence that the far-right groups gaining ground in Sweden and Finland are being encouraged and aided by the Russian government.

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One of the reasons for Russia invading the Ukraine and annexing the Crimea was because of the overthrow of the pro-Russian Yanukovytch government and its replacement with a pro-EU government looking for stronger economic ties with the West.


Russia sees the EU as a much more attractive economic alternative to the Russian Federation for many former Soviet states, and therefore a threat to its own economic future.


There is also some evidence that the far-right groups gaining ground in Sweden and Finland are being encouraged and aided by the Russian government.


How many Billions has the EU pumped into the Ukraine?

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