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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Mate, I could care less what you think. The British have shot themselves in the foot and those who will suffer the most are those low paid low-skilled zealouts who went into this thinking it was some kind of 'lets show the politicians what for' protest vote. Sadly, they are too dumb to realise it, or if they are, they are too intractable to admit it.


Tough luck.


What goes around, comes around. I am Brexit proof, having a couple of different nationalities and properties in other countries. Plus at 53 coming up to retirement age, so I'm not going to suffer in my job.


The people I feel sorry for are British youngsters who will suffer the most, for a selfish idiotic vote made by people too old and stupid to care about their younger generation.


Democracy my a**e. There should be an IQ test before idiots are allowed to vote. Evidence of that is that fat numptie at Farage's rally at the weekend who told Sky TV we should go back to the glory days of the Empire. Christ alive, how stupid can you get?


What that supposed to contradict my points or reinforce them?!! Glad you're ok, everybody here will be too. I wish you all the best, as I do to other people I might disagree with. Vive la difference.

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Democracy my a**e. There should be an IQ test before idiots are allowed to vote. Evidence of that is that fat numptie at Farage's rally at the weekend who told Sky TV we should go back to the glory days of the Empire. Christ alive, how stupid can you get?


I saw that one on my twitter feed, it's certainly worthy of link. Stupid doesn't even cover it, but it disappoints me idiots like are never pulled up on it (well, they weren't on the bit I saw anyway). But yeah, he was right up there with the bloke from Rotherham who voted leave "to keep the Muslims out".

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I saw that one on my twitter feed, it's certainly worthy of link. Stupid doesn't even cover it, but it disappoints me idiots like are never pulled up on it (well, they weren't on the bit I saw anyway). But yeah, he was right up there with the bloke from Rotherham who voted leave "to keep the Muslims out".


Sadly, this is the world we live in now. Rank stupidity is given equal billing to intelligent thought. In fact, it's given higher billing because it's somehow seen as appropriate to provide balanced views, even when those views are clearly based on ignorance.


And you can't call them out for it, because that's elitist.


---------- Post added 23-10-2018 at 14:42 ----------


Asia will be the major market for the sort of electric vehicle that Dyson will produce. I can understand why he would manufacture the vehicle there instead of in a country that, come end of March 2019, will have no trade arrangements with anywhere.


Plus Singapore has just signed a Free Trade Agreement with the EU, which includes Motor Vehicles and Parts. This means his products will be able to enter the EU without duties, unlike the UK where, of course, they will likely be subject to duties (thanks to him) when we leave.


Nice one James.

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But yeah, he was right up there with the bloke from Rotherham who voted leave "to keep the Muslims out".


And the two blokes interviewed by the BBC in a barber's shop in Barnsley the day after the vote in June 2016 who said "Great result! Now when are we going to chuck out the ****ing immigrants?"


On the subject of scientific research, science is one thing that really does have no borders (apart from Geography, I suppose! ;)) it is not just about funding but also the exchange of skills and expertise. For the last 40 years both British and European scientists and academics have been able to freely exchange skills and research work as well as travelling to and from each other's countries to carry out that research.


I read somewhere the other day that there could be as many as 350 non-British cancer specialists working in the NHS and our universities who in March next year would have to leave the UK if we leave without a deal. Even with a deal there is no guarantee that they will be able to continue their work here.


So what do we want?


A cure for cancer or blue passports? :loopy:

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So what do we want?


A cure for cancer or blue passports? :loopy:

and bendy bananas and slightly better fishing Oo


---------- Post added 23-10-2018 at 15:09 ----------


One quote I remember the day after the referendum, from Barnsley coincidently was


'It's nice to have a change once in a while'

yup its better to be poorer once in a while, feel like we did back in the day, maybe get a bit of ringworm and ricketts back just like in them olden days :thumbsup:

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So what do we want?


A cure for cancer or blue passports? :loopy:


As I dont hold a passport the colour does not bother me as for a cure for cancer.. I doubt very much we will ever get one despite the hundreds of billions spent on trying to find one.

Edited by apelike
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And the two blokes interviewed by the BBC in a barber's shop in Barnsley the day after the vote in June 2016 who said "Great result! Now when are we going to chuck out the ****ing immigrants?"


On the subject of scientific research, science is one thing that really does have no borders (apart from Geography, I suppose! ;)) it is not just about funding but also the exchange of skills and expertise. For the last 40 years both British and European scientists and academics have been able to freely exchange skills and research work as well as travelling to and from each other's countries to carry out that research.


I read somewhere the other day that there could be as many as 350 non-British cancer specialists working in the NHS and our universities who in March next year would have to leave the UK if we leave without a deal. Even with a deal there is no guarantee that they will be able to continue their work here.


So what do we want?


A cure for cancer or blue passports? :loopy:


Even with a deal, the "hostile environment" policy will try its best to drive them out. There's been endless cases in the media of highly skilled immigrants being kicked out for even the tiniest mistake in the paperwork.

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Mate, I could care less what you think. The British have shot themselves in the foot and those who will suffer the most are those low paid low-skilled zealouts who went into this thinking it was some kind of 'lets show the politicians what for' protest vote. Sadly, they are too dumb to realise it, or if they are, they are too intractable to admit it.


Tough luck.

What goes around, comes around. I am Brexit proof, having a couple of different nationalities and properties in other countries. Plus at 53 coming up to retirement age, so I'm not going to suffer in my job.


The people I feel sorry for are British youngsters who will suffer the most, for a selfish idiotic vote made by people too old and stupid to care about their younger generation.


Democracy my a**e. There should be an IQ test before idiots are allowed to vote. Evidence of that is that fat numptie at Farage's rally at the weekend who told Sky TV we should go back to the glory days of the Empire. Christ alive, how stupid can you get?



Bye then. :wave:




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