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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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In an unprecedented move the European Commission has rejected the budget of a member state (Italy). This is the commission who are unelected interfering in a country's internal politics. Some will say that's why we need to leave the EU.


It isn't interfering.


The countries within the EU and, in particular, those within the single currency signed gave commitments about their budgets and in particular deficits. The Comission has some specific obligations in this regard and they are fulfilling them.


No one forced Italy to adopt the Euro, if they are so concerned by this maybe they shouldn't have joined it nor borrowed significantly more than they could afford to repay.


They could, of course, re-adopt the lira, though that seems likely to be very damaging to the Italian economy.

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She clearly has difficulty understanding what LEAVE means. The best outcome for this country will be a No Deal , because that is the ONLY ending that will deliver the result of the referendum.

i think you have difficulty understanding what is best for the country, and its certainly not leaving


---------- Post added 23-10-2018 at 19:25 ----------


It isn't interfering.


The countries within the EU and, in particular, those within the single currency signed gave commitments about their budgets and in particular deficits. The Comission has some specific obligations in this regard and they are fulfilling them.


No one forced Italy to adopt the Euro, if they are so concerned by this maybe they shouldn't have joined it nor borrowed significantly more than they could afford to repay.


They could, of course, re-adopt the lira, though that seems likely to be very damaging to the Italian economy.

what did i say in an earlier post about people blaming the EU for everything? people "want" to blame everything on the EU to back up their warped views :roll:

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The only thing that worries me is we have a soft Prime minister who is a remainer . She needs booting out and a hard line Brexiteer installing in No10.


She clearly has difficulty understanding what LEAVE means. The best outcome for this country will be a No Deal , because that is the ONLY ending that will deliver the result of the referendum.


We need a prime minister who refuses to give ground to the EU ,and stands their ground and will walk away if we dont get what we want.


So what's the benefit of a hard brexit then? I know you like typing leave in uppercase but what are going to gain from it? The negatives are legion. But you're big on no deal brexit and clearly don't want to fly anywhere so what's in it for me with a hard brexit?

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still peddling the same old crap i see


yet again you and penis show how scared you brextreemists are of another vote, cos youre hanging onto a lifetimes dream by the skin of your teeth


Are you saying that David Cameron, our illustrious Conservative Prime Minister, was lying?


Or just talking crap? .... Forshame.

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In your opinion Mel. millions of people think otherwise.


How. How will it be better. We're on part 5 and thousands of posts and there's nothing remotely concrete.


---------- Post added 23-10-2018 at 19:34 ----------


Are you saying that David Cameron, our illustrious Conservative Prime Minister, was lying?


Or just talking crap? .... Forshame.


Of course he was! And besides he's not in charge now, unless you're saying nothing a PM says can be reversed, which would be a bit odd because I bet you can't wait for a universal credit U turn. Brexit? "Wait and see".

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Aye, it was the genuine peoples vote. And Boy Dave told us all the day before we voted, these pearly words of wisdom.


"Above all, it’s about our economy. It will be stronger if we stay. It will be weaker if we leave.


"That’s a huge risk to Britain – to British families; to British jobs – and it’s irreversible, there is no going back."


"And remember: they can’t undo the decision we take. If we vote out, that’s it. It is irreversible. We will leave Europe – for good."





you do realise he's no longer active in politics dont you?


and even when he was, no one took him particularly seriously

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The only thing that worries me is we have a soft Prime minister who is a remainer . She needs booting out and a hard line Brexiteer installing in No10.


She clearly has difficulty understanding what LEAVE means. The best outcome for this country will be a No Deal , because that is the ONLY ending that will deliver the result of the referendum.


We need a prime minister who refuses to give ground to the EU ,and stands their ground and will walk away if we dont get what we want.


The thing that really ought to worry you is that there is no such person with the conviction,charisma and authority to achieve what you thought that you voted for.

As Johnson,Gove,IDS and all fully understand,it’s much easier to snipe from the sidelines than to put your neck on the line.

You would think that with such strong backing from the referendum,someone would step up their game.

I agree that May is an opportunist Remainer at heart,but it’s all you’ve got because no one truly in the Brexit camp is coming up with any solutions .

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Are you saying that David Cameron, our illustrious Conservative Prime Minister, was lying?


Or just talking crap? .... Forshame.

i think cameron was talking crap


---------- Post added 23-10-2018 at 19:39 ----------


The thing that really ought to worry you is that there is no such person with the conviction,charisma and authority to achieve what you thought that you voted for.

As Johnson,Gove,IDS and all fully understand,it’s much easier to snipe from the sidelines than to put your neck on the line.

You would think that with such strong backing from the referendum,someone would step up their game.

I agree that May is an opportunist Remainer at heart,but it’s all you’ve got because no one truly in the Brexit camp is coming up with any solutions .

they wont come from the sidelines to take control because they know a full brexit is unworkable...it WILL destroy us, that is why we are currently trying to stay part in

Edited by melthebell
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