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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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You've stated in the past that the majority didn't vote to leave. But you're logic assumes that the majority of the 28% who didn't vote would have voted to remain.


It assumes nothing of the sort.


I simply said that the majority (62%) didn't vote to leave. That is a statement of fact that you cannot argue against. That means that this nonsense is being done without the support of the majority of the people of our country.


That is one of the reasons why the whole thing is a total mess.

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I saw that one on my twitter feed, it's certainly worthy of link. Stupid doesn't even cover it, but it disappoints me idiots like are never pulled up on it (well, they weren't on the bit I saw anyway). But yeah, he was right up there with the bloke from Rotherham who voted leave "to keep the Muslims out".


Just in case anyone missed it, here's the bloke in question


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It assumes nothing of the sort.




That is one of the reasons why the whole thing is a total mess.


The reason that the thing is a total shambles is that the Govt.consists of a pack of incompetents who couldn't negotiate their way through an open door.

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It isn't interfering.


The countries within the EU and, in particular, those within the single currency signed gave commitments about their budgets and in particular deficits. The Comission has some specific obligations in this regard and they are fulfilling them.


No one forced Italy to adopt the Euro, if they are so concerned by this maybe they shouldn't have joined it nor borrowed significantly more than they could afford to repay.


They could, of course, re-adopt the lira, though that seems likely to be very damaging to the Italian economy.

I bet the Italians think it's interference. They are the third largest economy in the EU and the commission has never told anyone else that that they reject their budget. If that's not interfering I don't know what is.
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The reason that the thing is a total shambles is that the Govt.consists of a pack of incompetents who couldn't negotiate their way through an open door.


There's no doubt the main Brexiteers are a bunch of charlatans, spivs and shysters but there's got to come a point where you've got to admit you were duped?

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I bet the Italians think it's interference. They are the third largest economy in the EU and the commission has never told anyone else that that they reject their budget. If that's not interfering I don't know what is.

they have rules on budgets and financial stuff that have to be adhered to and yes it means ALL 28 countries have to abide by them

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Aye, it was the genuine peoples vote. And Boy Dave told us all the day before we voted, these pearly words of wisdom.


"Above all, it’s about our economy. It will be stronger if we stay. It will be weaker if we leave.


"That’s a huge risk to Britain – to British families; to British jobs – and it’s irreversible, there is no going back."


"And remember: they can’t undo the decision we take. If we vote out, that’s it. It is irreversible. We will leave Europe – for good."





Your arguments seem to be getting weaker


And why are you cherry picking only certain things Cameron said. If you trusted him so much you should be getting worried about all the warnings he made.

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the Govt.consists of a pack of incompetents who couldn't negotiate their way through an open door.


What's to negotiate?


Economically, leaving the EU is like shooting yourself in the head, leaving yourself with brain damage then trying to negotiate a job as Professor of Nuclear Physics at the University of Sheffield!


Even a tag team of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking couldn't negotiate that one for you! :suspect:

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Of course he was! And besides he's not in charge now, unless you're saying nothing a PM says can be reversed, which would be a bit odd because I bet you can't wait for a universal credit U turn. Brexit? "Wait and see".


And therein lies the problem. Quote: 'Of course he was lying'


When you can't trust the Prime Minister of the UK to tell the truth on such an important, serious issue, who can you trust?


Answer: No-one.


We have been lied to consistently by both sides by people we should most be able to trust, especially when being asked to make perhaps the most important decision since the war. The scum bags have got themselves into a mess entirely of their own making.


And if they hadn't got into the habit of treating the electorate with such utter contempt over the years, and proved over and over again that their only interests were themselves rather than the good of the country, then maybe we would have done what they wanted - if we could have worked it out from the miasma of contradictions, misinformation, and self interest that was being bandied about.


And still is.

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