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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Not a chance!


If the 2016 was re-run tomorrow with only those who voted last time voting, apart from new 16-18 year olds and nobody changing their mind, Remain would win by a margin of about 1 million votes simply because of the replacement of dead predominantly leave voting old people with predominantly remain voting young people now being eligible to vote.


In reality, a re-run would almost certainly bring out many more voters and the bad news for Brexit supporters is that the majority of people who didn't vote last time were remain supporters. Add to that the fact that many leave supporters have now changed their mind to remain but nobody who voted remain now supports leave as well as the fact that there will be a number of angry Brextremists who will refuse to take part in a second referendum, remain could feasibly end up with 65% to 70% of the vote and more importantly, OVER 50% of the electorate which is something that Vote Leave failed to do in 2016.


In that case there may be a lot of crying on the leave side, but they won't get a fourth referendum in a million years.


why do think we should have a so called third one then?

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why do think we should have a so called third one then?


I don't think we should!


I have always said that just as the 2016 referendum did not oblige any government to trigger Article 50, we don't need another one to sack off the whole thing as a bad job.


As I am always banging about on here, even in 2016, the majority of people in the UK did not support leaving the EU and it was only political cowardice which led the government to agree to do it.


It doesn't need another referendum, just political courage to put the interests of the country first.

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This was a leave poster about Dyson during the campaign.



People will only understand when it’s too late


Leading Brexiters do not care if the U.K. completely loses its manufacturing base


---------- Post added 24-10-2018 at 08:49 ----------


where is the money coming from for all the infrastructure ? Weird how insecure you must be to end with lame attempt of a put down.


---------- Post added 23-10-2018 at 23:37 ----------



Are you really saying a protest, should bring down democracy.


No I’m saying something entirely different. Protest is part of our democracy.


---------- Post added 24-10-2018 at 08:50 ----------


if it is another with similar vote count but in favor of remain, could we then have best out of 3.


It would be enough to pause the process at least, to allow time for our politicians to reflect on the mess they’ve made of this.

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We know he meant the 3rd largest in the Euro Zone.


Why not say that then?


---------- Post added 24-10-2018 at 10:29 ----------


No , we have already had a vote ,and we voted to LEAVE.


It's been asked before...can you say what "leave" means in the context of Brexit?

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It's been asked before...can you say what "leave" means in the context of Brexit?


I've always though Penny's vision was something along the lines of this....




(along with plentiful smuggled fags and red diesel).

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