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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Is it so hard to comprehend that a lot of people want out of the EU and all its interference , dictating and rules. The UK managed to survive quite nicely before this circus in Brussels was ever dreamed of. we arnt suddenly going to disappear into a big sinkhole once we leave.


They'll still be doing that if we want to trade with them after we've left...

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Is it so hard to comprehend that a lot of people want out of the EU and all its interference , dictating and rules. The UK managed to survive quite nicely before this circus in Brussels was ever dreamed of. we arnt suddenly going to disappear into a big sinkhole once we leave.


If being crippled by two world wars in the space of 40 years is "quite nicely", then yeah, sure, why not.

The EU came about from a desire to avoid another european and thus world war, and so far it's worked. 80 years without a conflict between major european powers.

And of course before the EU each country would make trade deals independently.

Now the EU does exist, and so any trade we make isn't with 25 similar sized or smaller (economically) countries. It's with a group of 25 countries that economically will outweigh us by 5 times.

We will very much be the junior side of any trade deal negotiation with them.

But this will fall on deaf ears, you don't know, don't care, don't want to know. You've made up what the EU means, it bares no relationship to fact and you aren't interested in facts getting in the way of your opinion.

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If being crippled by two world wars in the space of 40 years is "quite nicely", then yeah, sure, why not.

The EU came about from a desire to avoid another european and thus world war, and so far it's worked. 80 years without a conflict between major european powers.

And of course before the EU each country would make trade deals independently.

Now the EU does exist, and so any trade we make isn't with 25 similar sized or smaller (economically) countries. It's with a group of 25 countries that economically will outweigh us by 5 times.

We will very much be the junior side of any trade deal negotiation with them.

But this will fall on deaf ears, you don't know, don't care, don't want to know. You've made up what the EU means, it bares no relationship to fact and you aren't interested in facts getting in the way of your opinion.


Spot on Cyclone..:thumbsup:

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Is it so hard to comprehend that a lot of people want out of the EU and all its interference , dictating and rules. The UK managed to survive quite nicely before this circus in Brussels was ever dreamed of. we arnt suddenly going to disappear into a big sinkhole once we leave.


Those knock-off tobacco products will be subject to more checks after leaving. I hope you've thought about that.

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Is it so hard to comprehend that a lot of people want out of the EU and all its interference , dictating and rules. The UK managed to survive quite nicely before this circus in Brussels was ever dreamed of. we arnt suddenly going to disappear into a big sinkhole once we leave.


Open your curtains and have a look outside.... the world has changed in the last 40 years...we aren't the big dog anymore....

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Long past mattering, in the grand scheme of things: laying blame, rightly or wrongly, isn’t going to keep you in food, meds & business.


we aren't some kind of basket case or third world country. To infer we are going to run out of food & medicine after leaving the EU is project fear at its worst extreme.

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we aren't some kind of basket case or third world country. To infer we are going to run out of food & medicine after leaving the EU is project fear at its worst extreme.


The government is actively planning for precisely that scenario.


If there was no risk of it they wouldn’t be planning for it.


How is it project fear if the exact thing we warned about is considered a risk.


I think your project fear argument has run completely out of steam

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we aren't some kind of basket case or third world country. To infer we are going to run out of food & medicine after leaving the EU is project fear at its worst extreme.


Why is the government planning for it then if it has no chance of happening?I'ts not like they have a lack of other things to be doing...

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