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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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When you are forced to do something you didn't want, and then that thing changes, in most cases you would ask to be able to change your mind.


If you can't then it isn't a democracy - and this is the world that the leavers want - non-democratic...


You dont seem to understand what democracy is then. Parliament decides if we get a vote and when we do vote they also decide to act on that vote, and they did. Allowing people to force parliament to have another referendum vote because they weren't happy with the first one is not democracy but dictatorship by said people. Parliament know that if it is dictated to by the wishes of some then it is a very slippery slope they go down and they simply will not allow that to happen.


But, to be properly democratic under your ideals we would need to have another vote on whether to have another referendum as we cant just have one because some say we should. That "some" also includes those who were not eligible to vote, you didn't want for the UK to leave but did you vote?

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Stop talking rubbish there is no chance of us sliding down any slope towards the third world.

to me thats the best we can hope for, which was what we were doing anyway quite nicely, so brexit is a massive mistake in my opinion. I just dont see how we will magically be better off, we were a member of the largest trading block in the world, we could trade as well with other countries, yet we are throwing it away...and we dont have any bargining power

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You dont seem to understand what democracy is then. Parliament decides if we get a vote and when we do vote they also decide to act on that vote, and they did. Allowing people to force parliament to have another referendum vote because they weren't happy with the first one is not democracy but dictatorship by said people



Wait a minute - parliament decided to let us have a vote because the populous wanted a vote... You got a vote. They decided to act on that vote, even though there was no legal obligation to do so.


Now the populous want another vote, but we can't have that one because you are scared they might change their minds - that's not democracy.

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Parliament decides if we get a vote and when we do vote they also decide to act on that vote, and they did. Allowing people to force parliament to have another referendum vote because they weren't happy with the first one is not democracy but dictatorship by said people.



In ordinary circumstances I would agree with you.


However there are a number of things which make this situation very different.


1. The vote was not binding.


2. The result was inconclusive.


3. Neither side could gain the support of even 40% of the electorate.


4. The effects of implementing Brexit will be deeply damaging not only to this generation but in all likelihood future generations too.


5. There were many outright lies told by the Leave campaign which went unchallenged by the media in some misguided idea of impartiality.


6. Vote leave have been found guilty of a number of election expenses infringements.


7. There is a lot of evidence that outside agencies, particularly the Russian government and US alt-right groups spent millions intervening on behalf of the leave campaign.


8. At least half a million 16-18 year olds with arguably a greater vested interest than most in the outcome were prevented from voting.


9. Since the referendum, huge amounts of evidence has emerged about the implications of leaving the EU as well as many real decisions made by businesses which have already damaged the UK economy.


10. UK political life has effectively ground to a halt over the issue.


The 2016 vote is seriously discredited and has become toxic to British political life. Of all the constituent parts of the U.K, only England and Wales voted to leave and all credible polls held during the last 18 months show a majority in favour of remaining. The country is completely polarised with leave supporters taking an all or nothing triumphalist stance which takes no account of the views of the 62% of the electorate that did not vote to leave.


So yes, in normal circumstances I would agree with you but in this case there is an overwhelming case for another vote on the issue.

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Slight contradictions here.



"Fox told the Commons in a written statement on Thursday: “As expected, some trading partners have expressed reservations about our proposed treatment of tariff rate quotas.”



Brexit will be the 'easiest deal in human history'



Would you buy a used economy from this man? We are being asked to...



The wheels are really coming off the Brexit Bus - unfortunately we are all aboard due to the narrow mindedness and short-sightedness of the brexiteers.


What's that? Oh, I see Nigel Farage (Rhymes with Garage) riding off into the sunset on the same horse as Boris the Buffoon - that's ok, they still have millions coming in - paid for by us!!!

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to me thats the best we can hope for, which was what we were doing anyway quite nicely, so brexit is a massive mistake in my opinion. I just dont see how we will magically be better off, we were a member of the largest trading block in the world, we could trade as well with other countries, yet we are throwing it away...and we dont have any bargining power

I'm sorry you feel so pessimistic but I don't share your pessimism. I honestly think we'll be ok.No doubt we will take a hit in the first year or two if we leave without a deal and according to the UK and the EU a good deal is possible that is mutually beneficial.

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