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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Yes the EU will embrace anything they hope will get the UK to stay in the EU, given the fact the UK is one of the largest contributors to the EU budget and the EU have a massive trade surplus with the UK. The EU know they are more likely to have a long term future with the UK being a member than the UK not being a member.


Mostly correct, although a few pointers to add: That trade surplus isn't going to go away, unless the UK ceases trading with the EU altogether. The EU's point of view is simple: Stay in the single market, fix your own house before blaming the EU and then start thinking about how you want to have a long term relation.


I spoke with a political leader from the Netherlands recently and he made it very clear - if the UK leaves, that is bad news for everybody involved, in particular the UK itself.


They are falling over themselves to make it difficult and awkward for an existing member to leave in order to keep the remaining 27 in line.


No they aren't 'falling over themselves', they don't have to as the UK is 'falling over itself'; showing such ineptitude and chaos that other member states don't need encouragement to stay in the EU.

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That’s not true is it.


They have been straight about the parameters from day one. We knew what their position was from the start.


The only way they have wavered from that is to try and accommodate some of Mays requests to help her get a deal.

Just because you voted to remain in the EU doesn't mean you're obliged to side with the EU every time over your own country.


It is quite clear to any fair minded person the EU are exploiting the Irish border situation to try to keep the UK imprisoned within the EU. The amount of EU trade crossing the Irish border amounts to only 0.1% of total EU trade. Hardly likely to put the integrity of the single market at serious risks even if a trade agreement is not agreed between the EU and UK.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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They are falling over themselves to make it difficult and awkward for an existing member to leave in order to keep the remaining 27 in line.


This literally makes no sense. There is no "they" that isn't the "remaining 27". So are they being difficult in order to keep THEMSELVES in line. No.

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It is quite clear to any fair minded person the EU are exploiting the Irish border situation to try to keep the UK imprisoned within the EU.


I think that it's time for Lockdoctor's monthly Irish democracy reminder.


Support for Brexit in Northern Ireland 27%


Support for Good Friday Agreement 71%


As you keep saying, 'respect the will of the people!'

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makes me democratically wonder why you democratically said you democratically voted to democratically remain in the EU in the democratic first democratic place


Just choked on my tea, democratically of course. Thanks for a weekend chuckle :D

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I think that it's time for Lockdoctor's monthly Irish democracy reminder.


Support for Brexit in Northern Ireland 27%


Support for Good Friday Agreement 71%


As you keep saying, 'respect the will of the people!'

You need a reminder that 44% of the Northern Irish electorate voted to leave the EU. You need a reminder that the whole of the UK electorate voted in favour of leaving the EU, which means Northern Ireland will leave the EU because they are part of the whole of the UK. You need a reminder that the DUP are the only UK party who campaigned to leave the EU, which has representation in parliament, will not allow the UK Government to agree to anything that keeps Northern Ireland in the EU while the rest of the UK leave the EU.

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The real factors that drove Brexit - a desire for change, a belief that the EU is for the benefit of Big Business and the Rich, a desire for an end to austerity and a deep anti-establishment resentment haven't gone away. The causes behind the vote haven't been tackled and remain the same, perhaps even stronger than in 2016.


If the EU is in the pockets of Big Business and is acting against the interests of ordinary working class folk like me, then maybe you can tell me why the push for Brexit is being spearheaded by upper-class twits like the Demon Headmaster, BoJo the Clown and Sir Nige' ?


I have asked you this question many times, and you have never answered it.

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If the EU is in the pockets of Big Business and is acting against the interests of ordinary working class folk like me, then maybe you can tell me why the push for Brexit is being spearheaded by upper-class twits like the Demon Headmaster, BoJo the Clown and Sir Nige' ?


I have asked you this question many times, and you have never answered it.


Don't hold your democratic will of the people breath. You'll die.

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before the June 2016 People's Vote?



The real factors that drove Brexit - a desire for change, a belief that the EU is for the benefit of Big Business and the Rich, a desire for an end to austerity and a deep anti-establishment resentment haven't gone away.



Real factors? They don't even make the top five.


The real factors were 1. Immigration 2. Sovereignty and 3. UK payments to the EU.


And since when has Cameron's shabby attempt to buy off potential UKIP support in his own party, become a 'People's vote?'

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