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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I have not been able to find out just how much funding came from EU funds but.. It seems that Rolls Royce received around £25 million from various Government funds for its Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre. Dont forget also that some money may have come from the EU but was given initially to them from the UK in the first place.


That's a massive difference to anything Boeing, an American company by the way, are likely to get. You could argue the rolls Royce research is very much in our national security interest. Nowt much on the AMP fits that category is there?

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A coin is a start to mark our independence, but we should have a week of celebrations to mark this important milestone.


Let's consign the horrid EU symbol and flag to the dustbin of history!

After the blue passport and the Brexit street party (May's already long promised that one: doesn't the FSB or the GRU keep you Russian trolls up to date or what?), the 50p commemorative coin. Do you want odds on commemorative stamps to go with that? :hihi:


Bread and circus for the plebes. :rolleyes:

Edited by L00b
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It is Parliament (to whom the government answers) and the EU27 (without whose consent you get ‘no deal’).


And the balance of power greatly favours the EU27.


The biggest and most constitent mistakes of Leavers, both before the ref and since, have been to misunderstand British-style sovereignty (the irony!) and to restrict their view and understanding of the negotiations to a domestic context. Given the U.K.’s “global” aspirations, that 2nd one’s not the least bit ironic either.


It’s always been easy enough to predict what will happen acc. to what flavour of Brexit happens, since before the ref.


Because the status quo (remain = pre-ref) existed within a set of written rules (TEU, TFEU, SM, CU, ECJ, etc), “no deal” Brexit is the complete cancellation of those rules (day zero: nothing left in force overnight), and the various options in-between are modified versions of those rules.


If you can read and understand these rules, and understand how & why trade, exchanges, travel, health, etc, etc. all take place (pre-ref and now still) under these rules, and understand what a deadline is (29 March 2019), there is no rational explanation for the sort of “blind jump into the unknown” you’re hiding behind in your posts.


Still peddling " Project Doom " then .

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After the blue passport and the Brexit street party (May's already long promised that one: doesn't the FSB or the GRU keep you Russian trolls up to date or what?), the 50p commemorative coin. Do you want odds on commemorative stamps to go with that? :hihi:


Bread and circus for the plebes. :rolleyes:


An excellent article for you to read which details why a No Deal is the only real option for Socialism to flourish in the UK. Socialists have been opposed to EEC membership from day one.


It was the Remainers who voted how the Bankers, Big Business and the Markets wanted them to.




"The EU Treaties, EEA, Chequers and “Canada plus” all have in common the outlawing of socialist economic policy. This is hardly surprising. After all, they are all the product, in a period of neoliberal hegemony, of neoliberal leaders working hand-in-glove with transnational corporations."

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Would that be socialism flourishing in the weeds of a destroyed economy and a once proud country brought to its knees.

It's leavers who voted how a small cabal of million and billionaires wanted you to who are still desperate to bring us to that.

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