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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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You are definitely a bot as you clearly have no idea what this story is about!


Nobody is applying for an Irish passport to move to Ireland. They are doing it so that they can live, travel and most importantly work in any part of the EU which people with blue passports will no longer be able to do next year!


Wonder if it's worth putting a post up with only a few trigger words in..see what happens..

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Yebbutt just wait till Audi force Merkel to insist that we get a special deal...
Weeellll, I’d quote some very recent words from Germans in positions of authority, went along the lines of “something something Brexit something 25th preoccupation on the list something”...if it was going to make any difference.


Alas, about as much chance of that, as of getting a tune by peeing on a violin.


So I won’t.



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Wonder if it's worth putting a post up with only a few trigger words in..see what happens..


People's vote, we should stay in the EU or we should at least have a say on the final deal. There have been and will be lots of consequences to leaving the eu and the leave campaign lied.









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do you have any links to how much better the economy will be after brexit?


No, can we have a poll on it?


---------- Post added 31-10-2018 at 15:01 ----------


Calling perfectly valid statistical opinion polls "guestimates" is just a way of attempting to trivialise data you don't like.


No its pointing out that they can also be very wrong and therefor cant be trusted.

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I wonder if that petition is a Trojan Horse?


The only people who could benefit from a debate in Parliament are those who want a second referendum, especially the closer we get to a constitutional crisis. Tactically the last thing that leavers want is the idea put into MPs heads that the only way out of this mess is another vote.


What a delicious irony it would be if a second referendum was triggered by angry Brextremists all sharing this online petition on their facebooks! :D

Edited by Top Cats Hat
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No its pointing out that they can also be very wrong and therefor cant be trusted.


The ones showing percentages of who voted what were done after the event so I reckon they can be trusted...


---------- Post added 31-10-2018 at 15:06 ----------


I wonder if that petition is a Trojan Horse?


The only people who could benefit from a debate in Parliament are those who want a second referendum, especially the closer we get to a constitutional crisis. Tactically the last thing that leavers want is the idea put into MPs heads that the only way out of this mess is another vote.


What a delicious irony it would be if a second referendum was triggered by angry Brextremists all sharing this online poll on their facebooks! :D


Exactly .I didn't think it was going to be discussed at all..still,brexiters eh? :)

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