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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I want the RICH to be poorer.


And those who have done very well out of our EU membership.


Sadly for you a lot of the people who have done well are equipped to avoid any serious effects. Skills, assets etc...


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 08:32 ----------


Everyone got a vote... and some people say they didn't know what they were voting for to leave.. well the politician's did..they was only leave or remain.. they automatically thought it would be a remain vote..( no brexit plan).. David Cameron resigning the day after says it all (by the way David Cameron want's to come back on the front bench after brexit is sorted)....a lot of people voted to leave or remain cause for they're own reasons.. politician's are always lying and a lot of people probably got fed up with it... including Nigel farage...like the topic says (The Consequences of Brexit...well the politician's should have thought of that when they given us the vote . Instead of being so far in they own world not to realise. That most people would vote to leave...one thing for sure. What's come out of this is it shows way the country's in a sorry state.. when they're trying to reverse the vote.. .I voted to leave and I'm proud I did.. The Consequences of Brexit has proven I did the right thing


We don’t know all the consequences of leaving.


Pride comes before a fall.....

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I want the RICH to be poorer.


And those who have done very well out of our EU membership.




Why not want the poor to be richer?


It's just the politics of envy isn't it. Really old school socialism, drag everyone down to the same level instead of raise everyone up. :huh:

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Everyone got a vote... and some people say they didn't know what they were voting for to leave.. well the politician's did..they was only leave or remain.. they automatically thought it would be a remain vote..( no brexit plan).. David Cameron resigning the day after says it all (by the way David Cameron want's to come back on the front bench after brexit is sorted)....a lot of people voted to leave or remain cause for they're own reasons.. politician's are always lying and a lot of people probably got fed up with it... including Nigel farage...like the topic says (The Consequences of Brexit...well the politician's should have thought of that when they given us the vote . Instead of being so far in they own world not to realise. That most people would vote to leave...one thing for sure. What's come out of this is it shows way the country's in a sorry state.. when they're trying to reverse the vote.. .I voted to leave and I'm proud I did.. The Consequences of Brexit has proven I did the right thing

I think there would have been calls for David Cameron to resign, if he had continued as Prime Minister. David Cameron most likely would have resigned if Scotland had voted to be independent. During the 1975 EEC referendum Harold Wilson kept a backseat during the campaign unlike David Cameron who was effectively the leader of the Remain campaign. I think David Cameron did the right thing by resigning.


You're spot on by stating the Cameron Government thought it was a sure thing the UK democratic people would vote to remain in the EU.

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Yes I know, my responsibility was to vote, how the result is implemented is not my responsibility, its that simple. I also voted for a particular government in the GE and accept that whoever gets in will govern and make the decisions, not me.




As its you who has stated I have screwed their future perhaps you can explain how? I keep hearing and seeing this repeated but so far no one has put up a valid argument as to how.


---------- Post added 01-11-2018 at 23:54 ----------



My democratic right was a vote given to me by parliament and I exercised that right so that bit is over. Now tell me what other democratic rights I have that I can also exercise.


---------- Post added 01-11-2018 at 23:55 ----------



Not been reading the papers I see..:roll:


Oh look another leaver trying to squirm away from the mess thay've made.. "Nowt to do wi' me guv" :rolleyes:

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When did you last leave the UK?


Again an irrelevant question.


What do you know of the Eu?


Probably a dam site more that a lot of poster on this thread.


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 12:06 ----------


Oh look another leaver trying to squirm away from the mess thay've made.. "Nowt to do wi' me guv" :rolleyes:


Again someone who does not seem to know how our democracy works. We are given a vote by parliament and the government act (or not) on the result. Parliament sanctioned a referendum and should have been prepared for a negative outcome. They chose the questions on the referendum voting paper that the voters would answer to. They then overwhelmingly passed A50. They then passed the EU withdrawal act 2018 and its they who will have a say on any deals done on negotiating our leaving.


Notice I have no input in any of the above apart from voting. So to sum it up.. the resulting mess has been made by this government and parliament and not me. Its a fairly simple thing to understand.


BTW you seem to have screwed up my quote as I did not put "Not been reading the papers I see.."


But to answer that, you are correct as I dont read the papers or watch TV!

Edited by apelike
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So you want other poor people in places like Cornwall to be poorer. They've done really well out the EU. They'll find how well they were doing soon enough.


So why do you think the tories will make the rich poorer? That's a major departure from their core policies. PM in waiting Boris Johnson is already talking about further tax cuts.


People who have done really well out of the EU aren't poor. Quite the opposite.


If poor people have done really well out of the EU, as you claim, how come they are still poor?

Edited by Car Boot
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People who have done really well out of the EU aren't poor. Quite the opposite.


Please elaborate.


EVERYONE has done well out of the EU. That is the point of a common market. Business owners have done well. MNCs have done well. Employees of these companies have done well. Consumers have done well.


These are rich people, middle class professionals and working people.


Add to that the hundreds of millions of pounds spent by the EU on development funding in poorer areas of the UK like Wales and Cornwall aimed specifically at regeneration.


The real question is which classes or groups have suffered as a result of being in the EU. As has been mentioned already, the average cost per taxpayer for membership is around £25 per annum.

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I voted to leave and I'm proud I did..


Funnily enough I was talking to someone at the weekend who absolutely swore blind that she had voted to remain! I reminded her how giddy she had been on the day after the vote.


I suspect that there will be a lot of this revisionism in the weeks and months and even years to come. Apart from a few far right extremists, for most ordinary people voting leave will be a badge of shame! :(

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Funnily enough I was talking to someone at the weekend who absolutely swore blind that she had voted to remain! I reminded her how giddy she had been on the day after the vote.


I suspect that there will be a lot of this revisionism in the weeks and months and even years to come. Apart from a few far right extremists, for most ordinary people voting leave will be a badge of shame! :(


Far from it.


Voting Leave is a true Badge of Honour.


Leavers took on the combined might of Big Business, the Bankers and the Establishment. We were ducking and diving about while we had all sorts thrown at us. They brought out the Big Guns, such as the boss of Goldman Sachs and Barack Obama, to frighten us into voting their way.


But we did not buckle under. We knew that what they were demanding was wrong. Leavers took on the global capitalist establishment - and won.

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