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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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People who have done really well out of the EU aren't poor. Quite the opposite.


If poor people have done really well out of the EU, as you claim, how come they are still poor?


Because when the EU dump money into an area that has been ignored by governments for years, everyone benefits, but only so much. They aren't suddenly going to be rich, just less poor. Well soon they're going to a lot poorer, and get an awful lot less investment.


That's good though right?


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 12:48 ----------


Far from it.


Voting Leave is a true Badge of Honour.


Leavers took on the combined might of Big Business, the Bankers and the Establishment. We were ducking and diving about while we had all sorts thrown at us. They brought out the Big Guns, such as the boss of Goldman Sachs and Barack Obama, to frighten us into voting their way.


But we did not buckle under. We knew that what they were demanding was wrong. Leavers took on the global capitalist establishment - and won.


Farage, Rees mogg and Johnson ARE the establishment. How do you not see that?

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EVERYONE has done well out of the EU. That is the point of a common market.


I think if the EU had stayed with just its original ideals of a Common Market people would not have voted leave. Even in the other referendum held in 1975 it was about staying in a Common Market.



Add to that the hundreds of millions of pounds spent by the EU on development funding in poorer areas of the UK like Wales and Cornwall aimed specifically at regeneration.


Money which in most cases did not do much of what it was intended to and squandered by various local authorities on unviable and badly managed schemes. Yorkshire has had millions of EU money chucked at it as well with the promise it would regenerate and produce thousands of new jobs. With the amount of new job promised over the past 2 decades there should be no unemployment in Yorkshire at all. Not forgetting also that the money was given to the EU by us in the first place.

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I think if the EU had stayed with just its original ideals of a Common Market people would not have voted leave. Even in the other referendum held in 1975 it was about staying in a Common Market.





Money which in most cases did not do much of what it was intended to and squandered by various local authorities on unviable and badly managed schemes. Yorkshire has had millions of EU money chucked at it as well with the promise it would regenerate and produce thousands of new jobs. With the amount of new job promised over the past 2 decades there should be no unemployment in Yorkshire at all. Not forgetting also that the money was given to the EU by us in the first place.


But next time, in all probability, South Yorkshire will be asking Boris Johnson for all those millions. Boris Johnson will tell us and Cornwall to **** off. And it has produced new jobs. But the EU aren't miracle workers.

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Leavers took on the combined might of Big Business, the Bankers and the Establishment.


What sort of delusional bubble do you exist in?


I know an awful lot of leave voters and I don't think that many of them voted against any of the things of which you speak. Most of them voted leave because of a mixture of being mildly dissatisfied with their lot, unhappy about what they saw as too many immigrants and a sentimental and deeply reactionary longing for the 'old days'.


And most of them neither knew nor cared what the EU was, and simply saw the referendum as an opportunity to express a desire for something different without really being too interested in what that was.

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Money which in most cases did not do much of what it was intended to and squandered by various local authorities on unviable and badly managed schemes. Yorkshire has had millions of EU money chucked at it as well with the promise it would regenerate and produce thousands of new jobs. With the amount of new job promised over the past 2 decades there should be no unemployment in Yorkshire at all. Not forgetting also that the money was given to the EU by us in the first place.



Let me get this right. The EU has thrown millions of EU money at Yorkshire, and it's been squandered by UK local authorities, and that is somehow the EU's fault?


We seem to be going through a collective period of mass Stockholm Syndrome.

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Far from it.


Voting Leave is a true Badge of Honour.


Leavers took on the combined might of Big Business, the Bankers and the Establishment. We were ducking and diving about while we had all sorts thrown at us. They brought out the Big Guns, such as the boss of Goldman Sachs and Barack Obama, to frighten us into voting their way.


But we did not buckle under. We knew that what they were demanding was wrong. Leavers took on the global capitalist establishment - and won.


Is this how you think it was, ducking and diving, just like being in the trenches eh?


You walked down to the polling station and put a cross on a bit of paper, no more than than that. Just like the rest of us.


Beyond pathetic.

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Let me get this right. The EU has thrown millions of EU money at Yorkshire, and it's been squandered by UK local authorities, and that is somehow the EU's fault?



I never stated it was the EU fault only countering someones idea that the money given by the EU to various regeneration projects did a great deal to help the areas and people it was given to help. The reality is it didn't help regeneration or the people very much at all.

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People who have done really well out of the EU aren't poor. Quite the opposite.


If poor people have done really well out of the EU, as you claim, how come they are still poor?


I’m still waiting for you to respond to my earlier post #4985


My ordinary working class life had improved quite a lot in the last couple of decades. I bought my first car, my own home and had my first foreign holiday!


Now let me ask you again, if the EU is in the pockets of Big Business and is acting against the interests of ordinary working class folk like me, then maybe you can tell me why the push for Brexit is being spearheaded by upper-class twits like the Demon Headmaster, BoJo the Clown and Sir Nige' ?

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I never stated it was the EU fault only countering someones idea that the money given by the EU to various regeneration projects did a great deal to help the areas and people it was given to help. The reality is it didn't help regeneration or the people very much at all.


What a ridiculous sweeping statement. How can you claim such a thing without any evidence?


So you know what you need to do now......


Evidence time :)

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