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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I am struggling to understand your point. I have stated that before the referendum vote, it was understood that if the UK voted to leave the EU, then the UK would leave the single market and customs union. Both remain voters and leave voters understood that at the time. The UK will not be free to make their own trade agreements with non EU countries, if they remain in the Customs Union, which was one of the reasons and benefits for leaving the EU.


It may have been what you thought, fine, that's the point.


As I said before, there were many hypotheses on what leave might look like.


So I'll ask again.


"An agreement where the UK would leave not only the EU but also the EU’s Single Market (of which non-EU countries are also members) and the EU Customs Union (of which non-EU countries are also members)".


Would you only accept that as a legitimate leaving of the EU?

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It may have been what you thought, fine, that's the point.


As I said before, there were many hypotheses on what leave might look like.


So I'll ask again.


"An agreement where the UK would leave not only the EU but also the EU’s Single Market (of which non-EU countries are also members) and the EU Customs Union (of which non-EU countries are also members)".


Would you only accept that as a legitimate leaving of the EU?

Sorry still don't understand your point and the reason why you keep repeating yourself.


None of us have any option other than to accept whatever the Brexit agreement is. You and many posters on here can't seem to comprehend that the weak position the UK are now in, is not the fault of the people who voted to leave the EU or the fault of the politicians who campaigned to leave the EU, but it is the fault of those politicians who still don't want the UK to leave the EU and are not supporting Brexit. If the country and politicians had united, then the UK would be in a much better negotiating position than we are now.

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Sorry still don't understand your point and the reason why you keep repeating yourself.


None of us have any option other than to accept whatever the Brexit agreement is. You and many posters on here can't seem to comprehend that the weak position the UK are now in, is not the fault of the people who voted to leave the EU or the fault of the politicians who campaigned to leave the EU, but it is the fault of those politicians who still don't want the UK to leave the EU and are not supporting Brexit. If the country and politicians had united, then the UK would be in a much better negotiating position than we are now.


Even the ones who want to leave can't decide what they want..See my earlier post re: BoJo

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Sorry still don't understand your point and the reason why you keep repeating yourself.


None of us have any option other than to accept whatever the Brexit agreement is. You and many posters on here can't seem to comprehend that the weak position the UK are now in, is not the fault of the people who voted to leave the EU or the fault of the politicians who campaigned to leave the EU, but it is the fault of those politicians who still don't want the UK to leave the EU and are not supporting Brexit. If the country and politicians had united, then the UK would be in a much better negotiating position than we are now.


I know exactly how weak the position is. It's as weak as it was when Article 50 was triggered.


You need to accept that there's more than one flavour of Brexit, as was suggested before the referendum.


Especially considering the Irish border question, which your flavour of Brexit fails to address.

Edited by SnailyBoy
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Been reading through a few of the posts. It's surprising that some of the Remoaners on here actively denigrate some of the Brexiteers. Casting aspersions on their intelligence to make a decision on the referendum vote.


Well, here you are: {Referendums or referenda are a direct vote in which an entire electorate are invited to vote on a particular proposal.} Take note, entire electorate, not just those who have several qualifications to their name, a University education, a handful of A levels or some other raft of Degrees to their name. Even the most uneducated of us are allowed a vote, an equal vote to everyone else.



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None of us have any option other than to accept whatever the Brexit agreement is.


join the campaign for a referendum on the final deal, then you will have the opportunity to at least express an opinion.



You and many posters on here can't seem to comprehend that the weak position the UK are now in, is not the fault of the people who voted to leave the EU or the fault of the politicians who campaigned to leave the EU,


it's not so much the fault of the people but the leavers, both poliiticans and their chums most definitely share some of the blame. they have refused to acknowledge the fact that almost half the voters didn't vote their way and simply demanded that we all follow them, but they haven't actually presented a vision.


the closest thing we seem to have had to a vision is some sort of zero tariff fantasy. something which even the originator of the idea acknowledges will wipe out what's left of british manufacturing and farming. so if we go this way, what will the millions of workers who lose their jobs do? with millions unemployed how will the government pay for things like the nhs, unemployment benefits, pensions etc, all the things which make this a reasonably safe, secure country and society,


even the more vague trade deal fantasies aren't that good. for all his faults, trumps criticism's of nafta apply to most trade deals and probably the ones we'd be signing too.


If the country and politicians had united, then the UK would be in a much better negotiating position than we are now.


if the government had had a conversation with the country about what we want and then triggered article 50 and taken things from there. however, as we've seen the governing party has been incapable of having a conversation with itself about this, let alone anyone else,


though i don't think we'd be in much of a better negotiating position, it was always pretty weak.

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Been reading through a few of the posts. It's surprising that some of the Remoaners on here actively denigrate some of the Brexiteers. Casting aspersions on their intelligence to make a decision on the referendum vote.


Well, here you are: {Referendums or referenda are a direct vote in which an entire electorate are invited to vote on a particular proposal.} Take note, entire electorate, not just those who have several qualifications to their name, a University education, a handful of A levels or some other raft of Degrees to their name. Even the most uneducated of us are allowed a vote, an equal vote to everyone else.




If votes are equal why do you think your version of Brexit is more important?

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Interesting article here about the lies that Bojo the clown is STILL making, even in his resignation letter.




What he said

“If a country cannot pass a law to save the lives of female cyclists — when that proposal is supported at every level of UK Government — then I don’t see how that country can truly be called independent.”


what actually happened

he neglects to mention that the regulations he’s talking about were in fact put forward by the European Parliament, and backed by 570 MEPs, with 88 voting against. He also fails to acknowledge that those laws have actually been passed.


More crucially, Mr Johnson is wrong to say that the laws in question were “supported at every level of UK Government.”


When the regulations were put forward by the EU, the UK government explicitly did not support the proposals.


A government spokesperson told BBC News in 2014: “Where we are not supporting European Parliament proposals, it is simply because they will not produce practical changes in cab design and could lead to additional bureaucracy for Britain.”


The European Council, which includes representation from the UK government, later adopted the directive.


the whole campaign against the EU is built on lies and mistruths peddled by people obsessed with it and living in some patriotic wonderland.

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Interesting article here about the lies that Bojo the clown is STILL making, even in his resignation letter.


Same with Boris' "Turkish Invasion" guff during the ref, conveniently forgetting that the main proponent of closer EU-Turkey relations was... you guessed it... the UK government.

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Been reading through a few of the posts. It's surprising that some of the Remoaners on here actively denigrate some of the Brexiteers. Casting aspersions on their intelligence to make a decision on the referendum vote.


Well, here you are: {Referendums or referenda are a direct vote in which an entire electorate are invited to vote on a particular proposal.} Take note, entire electorate, not just those who have several qualifications to their name, a University education, a handful of A levels or some other raft of Degrees to their name. Even the most uneducated of us are allowed a vote, an equal vote to everyone else.




I don't doubt that, I'm not sure anyone does. It doesn't necessarily equate to full knowledge of the issues their voting on. Let's be honest half of those running both campaigns didn't factor in everything.


That's my biggest boggle with the leave campaign, particularly Davis and farage. They had ample time (decades in farage case) to come up with some detailed plans and their entire knowledge didn't run much further than the back of fag packet. Nobody after the referendum result had a clue and what was involved and what do, relying instead on more tub thumping. Davis and Johnson should have done much much better.

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