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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Did you know more people now work on the Orgreave site than worked on it when it was a coal mine/coking plant?


Not including apprentices, how many would that be and how much was the cost to produce those jobs given the funding?


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 18:29 ----------


So, to review, you're blaming the EU for giving (or rather giving back if you prefer) money to deprived regions and those regions not spending it properly.


Err no. Once again someone is twisting words to fit. Please show me where I stated it was the EU's fault because as far as I can see I have never stated that at all. It was bendix that first tried to make out that is what I said.

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Clacton on its backside after 45 years of Common Market/ EU. Who would have thunk it! And people like you want them to vote for more of the same.


The point is it’s got nothing to do with the EU, and leaving the EU won’t fix the town


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 18:50 ----------


I've give evidence of this before on the brexit threads so have a look back and see. But first here is one:




BTW does the digital region in South Yorkshire ring any alarm bells?




So there has never been any successful EU investment in the U.K? Is that your argument?

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Not including apprentices...


Why discriminate against them?


AFAIK, every one of the apprentices has a job with a local company so I would consider them employed people who are doing part time study.


Apparently some of them are providing a massive benefit to their company - good on them.


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 18:56 ----------


BTW does the digital region in South Yorkshire ring any alarm bells?




You mean that government run program with a small amount of EU money?


"Due to low takeup, the project suffered a very significant operating loss; not even taking into account the substantial interest payments due on loans for capital construction. "


Damn that EU, not forcing the people of S Yorkshire to take the opportunity provided. All the EU's fault.

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EU funding isn't perfect, I looked at getting some funding for a project about 15 years ago - not a lot if memory serves - and the hoops you had to jump through didn't make it worth for me at the time.


Sometimes it's worth the aggravation though.


A former workmate of mine is still living in a housing association place that would have been demolished by the council 15 years ago if it hadn't been for EU urban regeneration money that saved a street of 25 beautiful, but run down Victorian terraced houses.


Yes, it was a bureaucratic nightmare but a relatively small investment (£175,000) saved a row of houses now worth over £10 million and more importantly, now houses over 100 people.

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Not including apprentices, how many would that be and how much was the cost to produce those jobs given the funding?


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 18:29 ----------



Err no. Once again someone is twisting words to fit. Please show me where I stated it was the EU's fault because as far as I can see I have never stated that at all. It was bendix that first tried to make out that is what I said.


Ok, so it's not the Eus fault then. Glad you're on board :)

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Err no. Once again someone is twisting words to fit. Please show me where I stated it was the EU's fault because as far as I can see I have never stated that at all. It was bendix that first tried to make out that is what I said.

erm being against the EU enough to vote leave and then using it as an arguement in a consequences of brexit thread is a big enough show of impetus :roll:


and its the daftist thing i have ever read on this forum (apart from cardoors insane gibberish)

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Anybody watch QT from Clacton last night? An area that voted 70% leave and it struck me how many of the audience were screaming for change: rents, housing jobs, wages, policing, sure start etc.... It’s a place on its backside desperate for change, and they’ve been sold and voted for the idea that Brexit will deliver that change. It’s so sad.


How have senior Brexiters got away with this?


I used to have family out that way and the slide has been huge. It's a hop skip and jump from London one way, and the far more desirable Suffolk coast the other. It needs change but I don't see how leaving the EU will arrest the slide.


Grimsby was in the news again for being deprived and I'll wager they voted heavily for leaving the EU. How will it help them?

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I used to have family out that way and the slide has been huge. It's a hop skip and jump from London one way, and the far more desirable Suffolk coast the other. It needs change but I don't see how leaving the EU will arrest the slide.


Grimsby was in the news again for being deprived and I'll wager they voted heavily for leaving the EU. How will it help them?

it wont

funny thing is, the lowest paid, unemployed, teenagers, young adults, disabled, people in run down areas etc etc all get help from the EU for education, job help, etc

and the vast majority have just voted to do away with it all ............complete and utter insanity.


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 19:17 ----------


I cant see in to the future. Can you provide details that Clacton was in a worse state pre 1973?

that really is a stupid arguement, trying to use pre and post joining the EU...times have changed, theres plenty of other factors that come into play, not just joining and using the EU

changes of government every 4 years for one

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