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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Maybe not, but staying in the EU wont make it any better.


Hiya Penny, you alright flower :wave:


Does this mean you’re gonna stop smoking your dodgy illegally-sourced fags and smoke patriotic, legitimately-bought, local-business supporting and highly-taxed fags instead ?

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Maybe not, but staying in the EU wont make it any better.


There's a fair chance it will make it worse. Bar one term in 97 the area has been true blue Tory since the late 60s. Maybe if the uk voted for corbyn, their lot will improve. Are you prepared to vote Labour to help, ironically, these deprived Tory voting areas?


Jaywick, a quick drive down the road from clacton now has new roads. Houses are still about to fall down, unemployment is still high.

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The point is it’s got nothing to do with the EU, and leaving the EU won’t fix the town


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 18:50 ----------



So there has never been any successful EU investment in the U.K? Is that your argument?


No, but it seems to be that you are making out it was my argument rather than reading what I have written.


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 20:25 ----------


erm being against the EU enough to vote leave and then using it as an arguement in a consequences of brexit thread is a big enough show of impetus :roll:


and its the daftist thing i have ever read on this forum (apart from cardoors insane gibberish)


No the daftest thing is you not reading the context of the original reply because you would then understand what was written and what it was in reply to. But just to give you heads up it was post 5286. :roll:


---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 20:34 ----------


Why discriminate against them?


Discriminating! They are not fulltime paid employees. They are by and large people on low wages that are not yet qualified to do or be paid to do the work they are being trained for. Nothing wrong with apprenticeships, did one myself!

---------- Post added 02-11-2018 at 18:56 ----------


You mean that government run program with a small amount of EU money?


"Due to low takeup, the project suffered a very significant operating loss; not even taking into account the substantial interest payments due on loans for capital construction. "


Damn that EU, not forcing the people of S Yorkshire to take the opportunity provided. All the EU's fault.


I think you need to read a bit more about it and why it failed and where the money came from.

Edited by apelike
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Maybe not, but staying in the EU wont make it any better.


To be fair I can understand that argument. But the flip side is there is so much our government could do and could have done within EU rules to prevent regional economic problems.


Like one of the participants last night on QT, government spend per head in Clacton is four times less per head than in London. I can’t verify the figures but if thrue thats incredible really. There is nothing in the EU rule book that causes that. Leaving won’t automatically fix it.


That’s the point really. The Tories (and Corbyn’s Labour) have successfully pinned all the ills of Clacton (and everywhere else) on the EU.

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I never stated it was worse or better off under the EU.




You however, did. Details please.


I didn’t state that Clacton was on its backside. I was paraphrasing a previous post. Then added that after 45 years of the U.K, being tied to the Common Market/EU, who’d have thunk it. The response it’s nothing to do with the Eu! Really, so leaving the EU will have no effect on the whole of the U.K. As being in the EU has no effect on the whole of the U.K.

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