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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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I didn’t state that Clacton was on its backside. I was paraphrasing a previous post. Then added that after 45 years of the U.K, being tied to the Common Market/EU, who’d have thunk it. The response it’s nothing to do with the Eu! Really, so leaving the EU will have no effect on the whole of the U.K. As being in the EU has no effect on the whole of the U.K.


How is it anything to do with the EU?




It’s about U.K. regional economic policy, and serial government failure since the 70s.


The EU doesn’t force London-centric politicians to neglect places like Clacton, and Sheffield

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Discriminating! They are not fulltime paid employees. They are by and large people on low wages that are not yet qualified to do or be paid to do the work they are being trained for. Nothing wrong with apprenticeships, did one myself!




When the NCB were operating at Orgreave there woulod have been loads of apprentices...


---------- Post added 03-11-2018 at 16:01 ----------





"A majority of voters in all seats held by Labour support a second referendum on Brexit, according to an analysis released by the People’s Vote campaign as it steps up its lobbying of opposition MPs."



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After the blue passport and the Brexit street party (May's already long promised that one: doesn't the FSB or the GRU keep you Russian trolls up to date or what?), the 50p commemorative coin. Do you want odds on commemorative stamps to go with that? :hihi:


Bread and circus for the plebes. :rolleyes:



It is certainly going to be very entertaining to watch the recorded videos on social media of wealthy middle class professional Remainers in a fancy restaurant having a breakdown because some low paid, zero hours, EU migrant worker gave them a Brexit commemorative coin in their change.

Edited by Car Boot
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It is certainly going to be very entertaining to watch the recorded videos on social media of wealthy middle class professional Remainers in a fancy restaurant having a breakdown because some low paid, zero hours, EU migrant worker gave them a Brexit commemorative coin in their change.


You seem to have a problem with people with money. Why is that? Is it wrong to work hard, take opportunities and get the financial rewards?

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It is certainly going to be very entertaining to watch the recorded videos on social media of wealthy middle class professional Remainers in a fancy restaurant having a breakdown because some low paid, zero hours, EU migrant worker gave them a Brexit commemorative coin in their change.


But surely they won't exist after brexit...

The low paid, zero hours EU migrant worker, that is...


The era of milk and honey that brexit promised will mean an end to zero hours contracts and low pay won't it?


Throwing off your shackles of the capitalistic EU tyrants will mean that everyone will become wealthy, we'll have an overfunded NHS and will ave taken back control.


That's what we've been promised - are you saying it won't be like that? ???

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But surely they won't exist after brexit...

The low paid, zero hours EU migrant worker, that is...


The era of milk and honey that brexit promised will mean an end to zero hours contracts and low pay won't it?



There was talk about our increasing living wage promised by George Osborne, up to £9 per hour, would encourage more to come here.

Perhaps we should have a lower minimum wage :loopy:

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Originally Posted by Top Cats Hat


You seem to be missing the point too.


The original poster said that the people had voted to leave the EU which I'm saying is a nonsense because neither leave nor remain could convince even 40% of the electorate to support their position.



Of those who voted, more voted to leave. Are you saying those who did not vote, should be considered as a vote to remain?


That's not how it works, we do not require 50% of the population to vote for a thing for it to be carried. Only that more vote one way, than vote the other. If I am mistaken, where is the legal basis to support your argument?


What if the proportions were different, say 49% of the population voted to leave, only 1% voted to remain; would you say that the result indicated we should remain?

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Originally Posted by Top Cats Hat





Of those who voted, more voted to leave. Are you saying those who did not vote, should be considered as a vote to remain?


That's not how it works, we do not require 50% of the population to vote for a thing for it to be carried. Only that more vote one way, than vote the other. If I am mistaken, where is the legal basis to support your argument?


What if the proportions were different, say 49% of the population voted to leave, only 1% voted to remain; would you say that the result indicated we should remain?


The Tories created a straight yes/no vote based on a simple majority. In reality a supermajority referendum should have been used. That would have provided a truly decisive result.


The irony is that the Tories have imposed supermajority rules on union balloting. They know how important votes should be designed. They’ve done it.

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It’s suggested that there is behind the scenes progress on circumventing the major issues which so far have hindered a Brexit conclusion.

So I accept that I am not going to get my wish to remain in the EU.

The future discussion will be between the wide spectrum of Brexit voters as to whether they are satisfied with whatever form of words and sacrifices have been agreed to achieve the democratic will of 51% of the electorate turnout.

Should be interesting.

I think that many will be about as happy or as disappointed as us Remainers.

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