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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Surprise, EU won't share it's toys with countries that leave the EU.


Hands up anyone who's surprised that EU funding won't be available to UK organisations after UK leaves EU.

Perhaps you can call it project fear and somehow reality will change to fit what you wish?

Or just cuddle up to a blue passport and 'sovrinty' and that will make it all okay.


You voted for this.


I've just been reading a post/thread on FB apparently,according to leavers,the "British people are a different breed to the rest of Europe"


..you can say that again

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The EU's determination to punish UK voters for supporting Brexit will hurt the world's poorest.


Of course, the reality is somewhat different, it's the UK that is refusing to endorse funding.. whoops!


British NGOs have been further warned that unless they can commit to making good the loss of funding should the UK crash out of the EU, they should not compete for funds.


Perfectly reasonable, the reality of leaving the club! :?


"Taking back control" wasn't it? :suspect:


Not that the EU cares one little bit.


No point throwing the dummy out now all those things you were warned about turned out not be to "project fear" :loopy:


You voted for it, in reality you care even less.

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"Claire Godfrey, the head of policy and campaigns at Bond, the UK network that represents 400 international development NGOs, said the attitude of the commission was “shameful”.


“At a time when the UK and EU should be working to reach an agreement on the future of aid and development cooperation, the EU is still refusing to remove the unfair clause stating that UK NGOs, who have world-leading expertise and experience, will no longer have access to funding post Brexit in the event of a no deal – despite the UK contributing to the joint pot, and the fact that we are an OECD country and therefore eligible for funding,” she said.


“By including the clause, the EU are continuing to effectively discriminate against UK NGOs, which could undermine efforts for future UK collaboration with European partners to deliver lifesaving aid effectively and efficiently."




The EU's determination to punish UK voters for supporting Brexit will hurt the world's poorest. Not that the EU cares one little bit. Why would anybody want to be ruled by this corrupt and unfeeling organisation?

twist it all you like (as usual) its NOT punishment, its reality, when you vote to leave something you DONT get allowed to keep accessing the perks you had before...they stop. surely the most dense among us can see that?


---------- Post added 07-11-2018 at 10:28 ----------


I've just been reading a post/thread on FB apparently,according to leavers,the "British people are a different breed to the rest of Europe"


..you can say that again

thats the problem, we still think we are "great" we still think we have a massive empire, we still think we are greater than everybody else.


we arent, we are a small island country that has lost a lot of our influence, cod patriotism has a lot to answer for.

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Now ,even as a fervent fellow remainer you are beginning to annoy me.


You shouldn’t be annoyed. You should be beyond incensed.


Because you’re not -and by you, I mean every Brit, Leaver like Remoaner like apathetic- the British political system has been getting, and continues to get, a free pass, and you’ll be Brexiting hard, with or without a deal.

We are not a broken country,and never will be.
You are. The population, the political system, the separation of powers, the business ecosystem: all borked.


The lack of cohesive socio-economic development strategy by the last 5 or 6 governments was crystallised by the 2016 Referendum, and what has been happening since is the clear result. A record-setting social fracture, stalled public and private investments, FDI stopped dead, businesses relocating activity hand over fist, unprecedented food banks use, huge regional development imbalances, etc, etc, etc.


It’s not going to end within the next few years, is it?

Luxembourg may be a lovely place to live if you are in the financial world,but this is only made possible because of its low taxation for shady businesses.

It’s a tiny place with no great costs of maintaining an infrastructure and is not a model that any sizeable nation such as the U.K.,Germany ,France,Italy etc etc could follow.

So enjoy your life there but consider yourself fortunate in the lottery of life.

However many of us in Britain also consider ourselves fortunate to have been born,or welcomed here.

As a Europhile I may even visit Luxembourg sometime,although for most of my life I have only associated it with the radio.

(1) I’m not comparing the U.K. to Luxembourg nor drawing parallels in the least. But if you’re going to compare taxation, respectfully I suggest that you inform yourself a bit more about the U.K. before holding the Lux taxation system as advantageous over it. The expressions you’re looking for, are “British overseas territories” and “Crown dependencies”.

(2) I’m not in the financial world.

(3) the ‘lottery of life’ is nothing other than your life choices and their consequences.


The main reason why I ended up there ( and it could have been elsewhere, I had opportunities in Amsterdam and Munich), is down to your Parliament and government handling of the 2016 referendum result. If it wasn’t for that, I’d still be in Sheffield co-directing a £ms services firm, investing in local people and in remote (UK) branches, etc.


So no, sorry to break it to you, but I’m going to continue calling it as I see it. Always happy to debate of course. But don’t expect me to onboard Brexit and get ideologically behind it, as your post seems to suggest.

Edited by L00b
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twist it all you like (as usual) its NOT punishment, its reality, when you vote to leave something you DONT get allowed to keep accessing the perks you had before...they stop. surely the most dense among us can see that?


This is no different to the nonsense about European counter terrorism policing.


We pull out of Europol, are no longer subject to the ECJ and are informed that a major implication of this is that confidential anti terrorist intelligence will no longer be shared as freely had been. Then what do we get? Brextremists shouting about how the EU is making our streets unsafe because of a greater risk of terrorism.


The EU is effectively a club with fees, rules and benefits. Brexiters seem unable to grasp that. They are like members of a golf club that decides it no longer wants to be a member and stop paying fees. But they still expect to play golf there, use the car park for free, drink in the club bar and sign in friends as guests. Then get all shouty and angry when they are reminded that as non members they can no longer avail themselves of the benefits.

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It's hilarious that you keep banging on about democracy whilst failing to recognise that democracy includes the ability to change your mind.



Read it and weep. Boy Dave told the Nation.


“In 45 days’ time, the British people will go to polling stations across our islands and cast their ballots in the way we have done in this country for generations.


They will, as usual, weigh up the arguments, reflect on them quietly, discuss them with friends and family, and then, calmly and without fuss, take their decision.


But this time, their decision will not be for a Parliament, or even two.


They will decide the destiny of our country, not for 5 years or for 10, but in all probability for decades, perhaps a lifetime.

This is a decision that is bigger than any individual politician or government.


It will have real, permanent and direct consequences for this country and every person living in it."




Which part of this did you not understand, it's as clear as the nose on your face.



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Read it and weep. Boy Dave told the Nation.


“In 45 days’ time, the British people will go to polling stations across our islands and cast their ballots in the way we have done in this country for generations.



Not this again!


And once again I will ask, under what legislation was David Cameron making that claim? Because if there was no legal, democratic or constitutional basis they are just the hollow words of a discredited politician.

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Ah well,


"Government responded

This response was given on 6 November 2018


A clear majority of the electorate voted to leave the European Union. We must respect both the will of the British people, and the democratic process which delivered this result.


The Government is clear that we will respect the result of the 2016 referendum, and that we will not hold a second referendum.


A clear majority of the electorate voted to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum. Almost three quarters of the electorate took part in the referendum, resulting in 17.4 million votes to leave the European Union. This is the highest number of votes cast for anything in UK electoral history. This was the biggest democratic mandate for a course of action ever directed at any UK Government.


Parliament then overwhelmingly confirmed the result of the referendum by voting with clear and convincing majorities in both of its Houses for the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill.


In last year’s General Election, over 80% of people then also voted for parties committing to respect the result of the referendum - it was the stated policy of both major parties that the decision of the people would be respected. The Government is clear that it is now its duty to implement the will expressed by the electorate in the referendum - respecting both the will of the British people, and the democratic process which delivered the referendum result.


The British people must be able to trust in its Government both to effect their will, and to deliver the best outcome for them. As the Prime Minister has said: “This is about more than the decision to leave the EU; it is about whether the public can trust their politicians to put in place the decision they took.” In upholding that directive to withdraw from the European Union, the Government is delivering on that promise. We recognise that to do otherwise would be to undermine the decision of the British people, and to disrespect the powerful democratic values of this country and this government.


The Government therefore continues to be committed to delivering on the instruction given to us by the British people: working to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities this brings to deliver an outcome which betters the lives of British people - whether they voted to Leave or to Remain.


The people of the United Kingdom gave a clear instruction and the Government is committed to seeing that through. We will leave the European Union on 29 March 2019.


Department for Exiting the European Union"


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The statement by the Government is fine,although when it suits they quite happily ignore public opinion.

The bigger question is whether the fervent leavers ,Johnson,IDS,Farage and all those who voted accordingly will accept the Government take on what constitutes Brexit.

That issue will continue to divide the Conservative Party and the nation.

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