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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Interesting piece on Channel Four News tonight about the effects of Brexit in the Carribean.


Anguilla is a British dependency and it's neighbour and biggest trading partner is Sant Maartens which is part of the Netherlands. It has no trade barriers as they are both currently governed by EU rules (ie both in the same customs union) but after next March that all ends which could cause real problems for the economy of Anguilla.


Worse still is the impact on the health of St Aquilians. They currently have no MRI scanners on the island but patients can go to Sant Maartens under the same reciprocal arrangements that allow us to have free medical treatment in France and Spain. Again come next April, that will stop meaning patients will have to either pay for treatment in Sant Maartens or fly back to the UK.


How did these people vote in the referendum in 2016, I hear you ask? After all, they all hold British passports.


They do but they weren't allowed to vote! :suspect:

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So the Brexit decision is now costing people their lives, their jobs and has a huge impact on the environment due to the reduction in investment in renewables.


Happy now CarBoot? - your actions have contributed to all the above which are facts, all your hollow rhetoric is just that - unfounded white noise.


Project fear has gone to a new level i see. :roll:

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Project fear has gone to a new level i see. :roll:


ARe you telling me Jo Cox didn't die because of brexit?


Are you telling me that the lack of nurses due to the exodus of people to the EU isn't causing deaths? 'Cos if you are, then the BMA must be lying.


Are you telling me that companies pulling our of the UK or not investing in the UK due to Brexit isn't costing people their jobs?


But I forget - you are omnipotent and all knowing - you must be right eh?

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Project fear has gone to a new level i see. :roll:


Project idiot has been progressing well today as well.


Led by Dominic Raab discovering that Dover is important.


The rest of the idiots have all quit and sit in the background shouting nonsense like “project fear”. What a shame that Gove/ Johnson/ Davies and pals have run away from their big idea.

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Translated: heartstrings pulling attempt, because the EU has to respect its own rules, whereby U.K. NGOs aren’t going to be eligible for EU funds in case of no deal Brexit.


When the UK leaves the EU we will remain a part of the OECD. Charities based in OECD nations, including nations that are not in the EU, are eligible for EU funding. It is only a recent decision made by the EU Commission to include clauses in its contracts with all UK based aid providers (stating that all funding would be terminated should there be a no-deal Brexit) that has led to accusations of a Brexit bias which seeks to punish the UK for Leaving the EU.


I don’t blame her for the attempt. Her purpose is very worthy. But I blame her for parroting the misrepresentation she’s obviously been fed.

It isn’t.


The EU Commission obviously expected Bond, the UK network that represents 400 international development NGOs, to condemn Brexit and the UK government for the threatened loss of EU funding. This tactic has worked previously for the Commission with other UK organisations. But this time it has backfired and the UK aid sector, widely regarded as one of the most effective and experienced in the world, has criticised the attitude of the Commission as being "shameful".


"The EU is still refusing to remove the unfair clause stating that UK NGOs, who have world-leading expertise and experience, will no longer have access to funding post Brexit in the event of a no deal – despite the UK contributing to the joint pot, and the fact that we are an OECD country and therefore eligible for funding". Claire Godfrey, the head of policy and campaigns at Bond, who refuses to be bullied by the EU and can see the harm being done to the worlds poorest people by the economic and political union.


And if you're so bothered about U.K. NGO-assisted lives, you need to assume the responsibility of your win, and put your hand in your pocket.


The EU is deliberately hindering British aid organisations’ ability to alleviate poverty. The UK government has already committed to filling any funding gaps for British NGOs should there be a no deal Brexit.


If there was a way to make Leave voters, and only them, liable to pay for the Brexit breakage, the whole charade would be over by lunchtime tomorrow.


Why are you and the EU so keen to inflict a financial punishment beating on the UK simply because we don't want to be in your rotten club?

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When the UK leaves the EU
We will always be in the EU.


because we don't want to be in your rotten club?


We will be associate members mate, you're pipe dream is over, ever walked past Wigfalls and watched what was on the tv's for a little while? It will be like that in disguise, its what you voted for, Enjoy. :)

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Have we all seen this one?




Brexit secretary Dominic Raab has told a tech event that he "hadn’t quite understood" the importance of the Dover-Calais crossing for UK trade.


Seriously, is this a joke to this government?

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When the UK leaves the EU we will remain a part of the OECD. Charities based in OECD nations, including nations that are not in the EU, are eligible for EU funding. It is only a recent decision made by the EU Commission to include clauses in its contracts with all UK based aid providers (stating that all funding would be terminated should there be a no-deal Brexit) that has led to accusations of a Brexit bias which seeks to punish the UK for Leaving the EU.
Except, it isn’t a “clause in a contract”, but simply a warning notice for prompting UK-based NGOs to plan carefully if the UK should exit with no deal during a grant period (because they’ll cease to be EU-based, and different eligibility criteria apply for non-EU OECD NGOs, whereby grants accorded whilst EU-based would be suspended and non-EU UK NGOs would then have to reapply under the different criteria).


The EU has already confirmed that OECD NGOs would remain eligible for EU funding as before. 1st July 2018 Guardian article covering the issue, including Godfrey’s plea.


Bond has been prepared for this for well over a year: what you’re looking for is Bond’s very own “The impact of Brexit on EU funding for U.K. CSOs” report of July 2017. Godfrey doesn’t appear anywhere in it, as an author or contributor.


You don’t deserve links.

Why are you and the EU so keen to inflict a financial punishment beating on the UK simply because we don't want to be in your rotten club?
You’re inflicting your own punishment on yourselves, including on Godfrey and her NGOs. You knew what you were voting for, so now you own it.


The EU27 told you what was available and what wasn’t 2 years ago, it’s not the EU27’s fault you still can’t decide what you want 2 years on.


The EU27 are not holding you back, either. You’ve been, and still are, entirely free to leave early, anytime you want.


You won. Get over it. Preferably soon, because false outrage doesn’t put any food on the table.

Edited by L00b
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We will always be in the EU.


We will be associate members mate, you're pipe dream is over, ever walked past Wigfalls and watched what was on the tv's for a little while? It will be like that in disguise, its what you voted for, Enjoy. :)



If that comes to fruition, it's only because we have a Remoaner for a Prime Minister who has capitulated at every behest of the corrupt EU.



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