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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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This one still makes me chuckle..


"The free trade agreement that we will have to do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history ." ...Liam Fox


and this one


"“There is a European free trade zone from Iceland to the Russian border and we will be part of it… Britain will have access to the Single Market after we vote leave… The idea that our trade will suffer because we stop imposing terrible rules such as the Clinical Trial Directive is silly.” .....Vote Leave


and this


"“If we Vote Leave, we will be able to increase funding to science and still save billions” .... Vote Leave


Oh don't forget this one


"“We would immediately be able to start negotiating new trade deals… which could enter into force immediately after the UK leaves the EU”.... Chris Grayling

Edited by truman
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So 48% of the population should be ignored.


Remain voting business owners might remember that in the future.

Of course the wishes of the 48% of the electorate who voted to remain should be ignored because they were all on the losing side. It was a binary choice. The UK should 100% leave the EU.


---------- Post added 12-11-2018 at 08:31 ----------


Yes there is - the current polls.


The evidence given by the brexit-liers was contrary to this...


Democracy is about being able to express an opinion which may change based on facts.


Get over it - the UK electorate were lied to, and now they have seen what is on offer, they want to change their mind - only the dictatorship of Brexit won't let them do so.


Long live Comrade May!!!

That is not evidence. The polls immediately before the real EU referendum indicated the UK would remain in the EU. It's the people who still don't accept the democratic referendum result who are doing the most shouting. There is plenty of evidence on this Brexit thread, which proves that the sore losers are making the most noise.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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Of course the wishes of the 48% of the electorate who voted to remain should be ignored because they were all on the losing side. It was a binary choice. The UK should 100% leave the EU.


---------- Post added 12-11-2018 at 08:31 ----------


That is not evidence. The polls immediately before the real EU referendum indicated the UK would remain in the EU. It's the people who still don't accept the democratic referendum result who are doing the most shouting. There is plenty of evidence on this Brexit thread, which proves that the sore losers are making the most noise.


Why do you keep banging on a democratic vote two years ago based on very limited and misleading information.

I respect everyone’s right to believe that hard Brexit,soft Brexit or half baked Brexit is the way to go,although how you arrive at that view baffles me.

The race against time is pushing this country into a worse position than you or I envisaged at the time of the referendum and if ever a decision needed revisiting in the light of changing circumstances then this is the time.

“The electorate have spoken” mantra is wearing very thin,and May’s moment in the limelight will prove to be as short lived as Tony Blair’s post Iraq.Bad decisions lead to bad consequences as we seem determined to prove once more.

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This is now demonstrably untrue isn't it? Every poll taken, every study, they all indicate a large swing in public opinion.



Ah yes. Those incredibly accurate polls...


Need I really remind everyone of the Populus poll of 22 June 2016, the final day before the vote, which showed Leave on 45 per cent and Remain on 55 per cent?


Or the YouGov poll on 23 June 2016 which had Leave at 48 per cent and Remain at 52 per cent.


I wonder how the referendum actually turned out?

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The thread is getting bogged down with circular arguments and vacuous rethoric.


Let’s return to the purpose and title of the thread, with a recap of actual consequences to date: here you go, a recent itemised summary of 50 actual consequences, with handy links. It’s not an exhaustive list.


One clear thing: the days of the Tory party considering itself, and being considered as, the “party of business”, are well and truly over. There’s a political vacuum there, and it’s wholly unclear which body politic could fill it. That, in and of itself, isn’t going to help.


As a country, you seriously need to start dealing with this. Else you’re going to be left with too little a tax base for financing your transition to 3rd party country.

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I would just like to say to the EU27:


Thanks for taking all of our money, we know you wasted it on ensuring the rich producers got even richer.


The days of free UK money are drawing to an end. You'll have to tax your people far more now to ensure the EU gravy train keeps on rolling.


Oh, and please tell your EU Commission to stop attacking the Italian people. The democratically elected Italian government wants to end poverty by ensuring there is a minimum income for the unemployed and scrapping EU inspired extensions to the retirement age.


The EU Commission is opposed to both these budget promises.


So thank you and goodbye EU27. Good luck with your paradise (for business).


---------- Post added 12-11-2018 at 10:40 ----------


A necessity given Russian/Chinese threats and waining US support of NATO.


Common sense. Long overdue.


An EU army, a necessity in your view?


Many people dont understand why a trading bloc would require it's own army...

Edited by Car Boot
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An EU army, a necessity in your view?


Many people dont understand why a trading bloc would require it's own army...

is it purely a trading block? or is it a group of 27 european countries that banded together?


---------- Post added 12-11-2018 at 10:46 ----------


as for Theresa May's plan



One of them said it was "self-harming" for the PM to keep pursuing the same strategy.

It and her are going to be gone...shortly

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Ah yes. Those incredibly accurate polls...


Need I really remind everyone of the Populus poll of 22 June 2016, the final day before the vote, which showed Leave on 45 per cent and Remain on 55 per cent?

Or the YouGov poll on 23 June 2016 which had Leave at 48 per cent and Remain at 52 per cent.

I wonder how the referendum actually turned out?


The new poll on Channel four said that fewer than 2% of people had changed their minds; but if there was another referendum there would be more young people voting and the old voters would have died.

The result being that remain would win comfortably; rather irrelevant, but those were the findings.

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