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The Consequences of Brexit [part 5] Read 1st post before posting

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Considering that EU nationals will be allowed to stay in the UK even if Brexit negotiations end in no deal, your statements are hysterical nonsense.


That's a political promise, nothing exists legislatively.


You might like to believe political promises. The rest of us have more sense.

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The only EU nationals being compelled to Leave are those convicted of fraud or found to have entered into a marriage of convenience to remain in the country. Do you belong to either of these groups?


Could you please remind the government of that, because frankly, I ain't feeling it... That marriage of convenience, does that include this Dutchman that married a Brit in the Netherlands and then moved to the UK consequently?


You can't, no matter how much your Corbynista heart tries. So frankly, **** off.

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You seem to have a lack of understanding of the meaning of the word 'deportation' Only foreigners can be deported. Giving our own people financial help to emigrate is certainly not deportation.
You seem to have a lack of a decent dictionary.


---------- Post added 12-11-2018 at 23:53 ----------


Considering that EU nationals will be allowed to stay in the UK even if Brexit negotiations end in no deal, your statements are hysterical nonsense.


The only EU nationals being compelled to Leave are those convicted of fraud or found to have entered into a marriage of convenience to remain in the country. Do you belong to either of these groups?


Nobody is kicking out law abiding EU nationals. You could have stayed and applied for Settled Status. You would have been asked for proof of identity and residence, but would have had to disclose whether you have any criminal convictions.


Is this what scared you away?

What 'scared' me away is the 100% certainty (because black and white EU law) that whatever form Brexit takes, will strip me of the benefit of 50% of my professional qualifications, and the workload and living that goes with it. Beside rendering me less qualified than my ex-trainees, overnight. "Settled status" (whatever other s**t tip that eventually turns out to be) or not.


You aren't going to compensate me for it, neither is your government, who's long openly admitted I am (was) a "negotiation pawn". An undesirable one, moreover, by your unchecked mass media and your government's worsening hostile environment policy.


So needs must: I took back control, and I'm grabbing my own compensation at the expense of UK ex-competitors (they'll be stripped of those qualifications just the same as of 29 March 2019, so the work is already going for the asking - mine, amongst others). And I'm not losing any sleep over UK losses and redundancies that might cause: after all, you didn't care about the likes of me at the time of the vote nor since (so why should I now?) then said such losses were an acceptable price of Brexit time and again (so it's fine by you, right?)


See, this is what you Brexiteers are not getting: all of us early Brexodees have actually Brexited already, and are busy getting a headstart on this Brexiteer vision of unbridled global competition. Of course, because we're not in the UK any more, now you're part if the competition as well. So that headstart is at the expense of the UK, the softest market touch going at the moment. It's business, nothing personal bar a bit of schadenfreude.


Perhaps you should have thought about husbanding your resources, instead of p***ing them off. Chalk it to experience, and get over it.

Edited by L00b
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We had a democratic referendum which resulted in the democratic people deciding to leave the EU. After such an event as a referendum, any decent respectable honest person accepts the decision made by the majority and gets behind the choice the majority made. After the democratic referendum result was announced the EU became the enemy of the UK. Any UK citizen who supports the enemy (EU) rather than their own country (UK) is a traitor. Quite simple to define.


Utter tosh... How is the EU our enemy...are you advocating internment or deportation of EU nationals.. after all that's what we do with citizens of an enemy isn't it....? Your posts are getting more ridiculous by the day...Quite simple....you're losing the plot...

Edited by truman
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Considering that EU nationals will be allowed to stay in the UK even if Brexit negotiations end in no deal, your statements are hysterical nonsense.



Despite your strongly held opinions about the EU you seem to have a very poor understanding about it.


Being allowed to stay is more than just not being rounded up and deported in April 2019. It is about a whole range of matters from access to the NHS to employment rights and qualifications recognition and in the case of my vet, not being able to get a bank loan to expand her practice because she can't demonstrate to her bank that she will have any right to work as a vet after March 2019.

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Hes also an expert on business and what could happen when things change or dont go to plan.


what are you?


Terry Sargeant, the 'expert' chairman and fat cat CEO of ThyssenKrupp UK, mentions in the article that he can take early retirement and move to Spain - whilst simultaneously arguing that he is 'speaking for the working class'.




This life long Tory also states that it is the "working man who is going to be hit hardest". When the top CEO's of multi-nationals such as Terry Sargeant get their way, it is ALWAYS the working class who are hit the hardest.


When Terry states that Brexit will make the working class worse off, what he really means is that those at the top of business, including him, will make damn sure the working class are worse off.


'Twas always so.



Edited by Car Boot
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The only reason I'm (mostly) past caring, is because your lot kicked me out, and the other lot let you.


No one kicked you out, you left voluntarily on you own accord so you could chase the money.


So needs must: I took back control, and I'm grabbing my own compensation at the expense of UK ex-competitors (they'll be stripped of those qualifications just the same as of 29 March 2019, so the work is already going for the asking - mine, amongst others). And I'm not losing any sleep over UK losses and redundancies that might cause:


Fine, you are free to chose.

Edited by apelike
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What 'scared' me away is the 100% certainty (because black and white EU law) that whatever form Brexit takes, will strip me of the benefit of 50% of my professional qualifications, and the workload and living that goes with it. Beside rendering me less qualified than my ex-trainees, overnight. "Settled status" (whatever other s**t tip that eventually turns out to be) or not.


So you were not 'compelled' to Leave, or 'kicked out' as you complained at all.


You left because of greed.


Pure selfish greed.


Nothing more.

Edited by Car Boot
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When Terry says that Brexit will make the working class worse off, what he's really saying is that those at the top of business, including him, will make damn sure the working class are worse off.





Those who voted to leave the EU in 2016 made damn sure that the working class would be worse off.


Listening to the likes of Boris Johnson, Rees Mogg and Faridge was hardly acting in their own class interest! :suspect:

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